Pick the better results for the given query

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by bredeanf, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

  2. Trantice

    Trantice User

    Do these at your own risk...they are ProductRnR. I would always skip anything from them.
  3. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    crap...I hope this doesn't bite me in the butt!
  4. balacham

    balacham Member

    Pleas share ur experience with this requester. I am eager to do the HITs. However, I am scared about rejections. Please advise.
  5. balacham

    balacham Member

    Pleas share ur experience with this requester. I am eager to do the HITs. However, I am scared about rejections. Please advise.
  6. Trantice

    Trantice User

    ....there are 138 reviews on Turkopticon, all of which are pretty negative.
  7. Athena

    Athena User

    This requester is SUPER DANGEROUS.

    They are unrepentant mass rejecters.

    I wouldn't touch these HITs with a 10 foot pole.
  8. Spend some time reading older threads on these forums, there is a huge one dedicated to this requester and lots more on most of the others. When HITs are quiet, READ!
  9. I remember something interesting from doing this kind of hit about a month ago. I noticed on my first hit both sets contained the same images except the order was different. So either Left or Right could be the correct answer. I did a dozen more just alternating right and left. All were approved, but it took a while. Today's answers were more obvious for the most part, so I picked 5 easy ones.

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