New "Ask a Question" payout?

Discussion in 'General' started by Mturkerathome, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. Mturkerathome

    Mturkerathome Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    What do you all think about the new payout from Amazon Requestor Inc. - Ask a question? It used to be either a $0.03 or $0.04 HIT. Now they are $0.01 and $0.02 with bonus. Has anyone gotten a bonus?
  2. sonica

    sonica User

    Jan 25, 2009
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    I have started working on these hits recently, but am aware that some people have received a bonus.
  3. Shego

    Shego User

    Feb 4, 2009
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    I won't do these. I don't want to think that hard for a penny and most of the time I would have to do research and that is out of the question for the pay.
  4. Lsunny

    Lsunny Member

    Jan 31, 2009
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    It was bad enough for .04 but for less and maybe a bonus lol.. Based on some arbitrary thing. Not to mention there odd rejecitons with useing words that can be considered offensive and they are the word/words u r given ...
  5. mischa

    mischa User

    Feb 1, 2009
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    i expressed this sentiment on the other turking forum, but here's my opinion on this change in payment. basically, they are running 'ask a question' like a contest now, where you're competing with other turkers for bonuses [determined by ???]. this rubs me the wrong way for a couple reasons. what if other requestors followed suit and dropped their pay to a penny with the 'promise' of big bonuses? a bonus should be just that - payment on top of a 'fair' wage, not in lieu of one. plus, i like to think turking is a pretty democratic occupation - we all get treated alike, and requesters can either reject or accept our work, with most of us getting accepted for over 90% of our work. so my point is, why would any turkers go along with this?
  6. Shego

    Shego User

    Feb 4, 2009
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    If you've noticed from other threads here, the so-called bonus promise apparently hasn't paid off for most. I can say with absolute certainty that Hammerhead Labs pays bonuses immediately, because I always work for them and they actually send me an email, via mturk, telling me how much I earned and what it was for. Beyond that, I have never received a bonus that I know of, except for a transcription job (written, not oral) and it was a one time deal. I have noticed that a lot of requestors have been dropping pay rates. I turk full time, so I see it a lot! My belief is that once a requestor sees how quickly and accurately their hits can be done, they decide they are paying too much. AS IF! It isn't a perfect system, but for some of us; it's all we've got and we're working towards a better future with mturk. I can only speak for myself, but I WILL NOT work for less than the job merits; regardless of what the requestor originally paid. Once a requestor starts lowering rates, I seek life elsewhere. There is a psychological game at work here and this is how it goes: Requestor pays more than adequately for a task. Hooks workers with his/her generosity. Accepts all submissions. Shortly thereafter, lowers pay per hit. Workers still do the task, reasoning that they got paid every time before and it really didn't take that long...blah, blah, blah. And so it goes on and on, until the next thing you know, you're accepting .01 per hit when you used to get .05 for the same work. Slippery slope, I'd say. It's the cyber version of the old bait and switch, in a nutshell.

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