Finding Great HITs 11/10 Tuneful Too Hot Topnotch Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Nov 10, 2020.

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  1. Wow. I hammed them every minute I wasn't doing real world tasks and made a hair less than half that.
    Seeker Vayne and Mind Dagger like this.
  2. I didn't see them until saturday night, and I did around 7500 by time they were gone monday morning.
    Seeker Vayne and Mind Dagger like this.
  3. When I discovered them Friday afternoon up until they ended early Monday morning it was so surreal (still is) to have this happen. I felt like I couldn't take a break often though I forced myself too. I was like "stupid body and mind need a rest" everytime I needed to sleep. I didn't even shower until 6:30 am on Monday because I was like I can't afford to take a shower that will cost me $20. I came close on Sunday to the max of 3800 HITs but still fell short and only did 3375 that day. I don't know my exact total but it's safe to say I did over 8000 since my total HITs for the month is 8480 and my projected monthly earnings is sitting at $1441.92 right now.
  4. Wait. I think I misunderstood this as meaning you earned $2,000 when really you did 2000 hits.
    In which case, I did way more than you. Numerically, it had to be over five thousand, total.
    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  5. Yeah 2k hits I took it easy after already hitting my weekly goal doing Lawson.
    ohsostrange likes this.
  6. Lawson must be someone I don't have the qual to work for, because I've never seen those. If you tell me there's something better on there than Noah's, I might faint.
    Mind Dagger likes this.
  7. My next transfer will be the most money I've ever made on here in the space of a single month.

    It's so weird. So serendipitous. I had some minor surgery on my hand a couple of months ago, and the bills just keep pouring in from it. I just got two more, coming to around $1600 total, and right after--NOAH! Now I'm on track to bring in more than $1600 in a single month, when previous to this, the best I've done in a single year was $3000 total.

    That surgery took the surgeon less than three minutes, and the nursing staff maybe ten more, and it cost nearly $7000, none of which is being picked up by my super shitty insurance. America's medical system is insane.
  8. I had an emotional breakdown Saturday. We are supposed to finally be moving out of our shittly little apartment the end of this month, and I was stressing that we weren't going to have the money to move because of expensive repairs needed on my car (I do Doordash too). An hour after crying my eyes out, I decided to check turk and saw the Noahs. Made just over what we need to move.Still a bit stressed about my car and getting a few bills paid this month, but at least I'll have a real bedroom in a few weeks.
  9. Isn't it so fucked up that in the richest country in the history of the world so many of us feel this way and some random chance MTurk batch takes us from struggling to keep up with fast food employees to making the kind of money that strippers would be jealous of? I used to sell crap on Amazon and eBay before I ended up losing everything and I had some really good weeks selling my crap on those platforms but netting $1400 in 3 days was rare and usually involved a lot more work both before and after the sales. I don't expect this to happen again but shit if we could just get paid like a third of what we got paid doing these HITs I would not complain about MTurk again (probably).
    ohsostrange and HecatesWolf like this.
  10. After I got masters things got way easier for me though clearly things still suck. This was during that fabled great Masters give-away in December of 2014 just when I had made the decision to quit MTurk next year because it sucked. In 2015 I made just under $10,000 and it seemed like a viable way to exist after that. The ups and downs after that often make me feel like I did before I got masters but never enough to seriously consider giving it up. It's been downhill or at least steady since thing. In 2016 I did less but not just because MTurk wasn't as good (though I feel it wasn't) I had shit going on that disrupted me work. Then 2017-2019 I seemed to struggle more...still not like when I first discovered MTurk for sure but certainly even the very minimal lifestyle I was leading was being pushed at times. I was on track to make more this year than the last 3 years even before Noah as I guess somehow COVID has made MTurk better (and I thought I'd do worse since those $16 forecasting HITs were gone) but now I might exceed 2015 but only because of this massive outlier HIT set. I wouldn't even blame Noah if he realizes (if it is a he and not a corporation) he could get the same work done for less as I'd be super happy if these HITs existed weekly as long as they weren't at a degrading pay rate.
    ohsostrange and HecatesWolf like this.
  11. I actually did leave Mturk for over a year. I used my tax return last year to buy a car, and started doing Doordash, because sitting in the house on my computer all day was wreaking havoc on my mental health. So I was doing Doordash part time, and working on Appen part time, and we were doing ok. Then my car started having problems, and it got too damn expensive to fix everything. I'm supposed to be starting a full time WFH job next month, but I don't know if I should. I don't want to get into the rut I was in before, where I just didn't leave the house unless I absolutely had to. I hate that I live in a first world country, yet I feel like I have to make a choice between my family's survival and my mental health.I'm just happy my turk account was still here when things got bad.
  12. Qualification

    Title: [Qualification] Evaluate correctness of news summary sentences | PANDA
    Requester: Flying Fish [A3F5UZADAOZUUG] (Req TV): $29.03/hr/hr
    (TO): [Pay: N/A] [Fair: N/A] [Comm: N/A] [Fast: N/A]
    This is a qualification task. Rate the factual consistency (correctness) of one sentence that summarizes news articles. Complete these 3 HITS and qualify for subsequent similar tasks! Search for "Evaluate correctness of news summary sentences". You will qualify if you get 2 out of 3 correct and write a meaningful reason (5-10 words) when you pick "no". The subsequent tasks will pay $0.05 per HIT, with a bonus of $0.03 when you maintain accuracy, write meaningful reasons and spend at least 20 seconds on each HIT.
    Time: 5 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 3
    Reward: $0.01
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; Temporary exclusion [vgfntmmk] DoesNotExist ; Location In AUCAGBNZ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95;
  13. Make no mistake we are living in a Banana Republic. We are only a first world country on paper. The vast majority of the wealth this country holds belongs to a few hundred people that just use this country as their playground they all have homes in other countries that once things get really bad will be their permanent residences.
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