Jesse C Graham doesn't pay

Discussion in 'General' started by kansley, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. kansley

    kansley Member

    I did a HIT for Jesse C Graham on June 18, 2012; and have not been paid 14 days later.
  2. Requesters have 30 days to approve or reject your work. Have some patience.
  3. chaos

    chaos User

    I'd say it's a little premature to say that someone "doesn't pay" just because it is still pending after 14 days. As Playa mentioned, they have 30 days to approve. Yes it is nice when they pay within a few days, but sometimes it just takes longer.
  4. Lana

    Lana User

    I have a pending hit from that same requester from the 19th -- and from his reviews on TO, it looks like they just auto-pay after 30 days. :)
  5. kristilec

    kristilec User

    I'm still waiting for a payment from a different requester from June 8th. Figure they have a few more days and possibly they are auto-pay at 30 also.
  6. danndemann

    danndemann User

    Appreciate the replies here...I was starting to get concerened since one of mine from this requester just hit 30 days and no payment yet...will look for it!

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