Why do we Turk?

Discussion in 'General' started by chaos, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. chaos

    chaos User

    Just wondering what everyone's motivation is for working on MTurk.

    Personally, I started when I ran into a couple of unexpected expenses that left me in the hole. My full time income was just enough to pay my regular bills and live on, but I had a couple of extra bills pile up that I fell behind on. So I started working on mturk to help get myself out of the hole.

    Now, I'm using it primarily for spending money during the week, so I can maybe go out one night a week, eat out once in awhile, etc.

    With my earning started to really increase I'm making even more than I was even a month ago, so I'm hoping that turk earnings will eventually allow me to buy a few luxury items that I've wanted for awhile but could never afford, like a new cell phone.

    What about everyone else? What got you started on turk, and what is the main purpose of your turking? Primary source of income? Making just enough extra cash to help pay the bills? Extra "spending money" for the week?
  2. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    I turk because I like to! I like taking surveys and giving my opinion. Its nice to have a little extra cash to, I work full time and what I make sustains me, and like you I have a little extra spending money from it.
  3. kristilec

    kristilec User

    I worked at the same place in Ohio for almost 18 years. My husband was laid off every winter up there (construction job) so I carried our insurance and carried us through those months when he was on unemployment. When we decided to move to Florida (his home state) one of my conditions was that HE get to carry the insurance, etc. So I turk to pay groceries, small bills, etc. And actually it has worked out really well because his new job down here has him gone about 12 hours a day so my being a stay at home worker is ideal. I also Ebay- which is REALLY slow right now and do Swagbucks & Inbox Dollars.
  4. i strted turking for tht extra money pumping in...After my graduation last year not having done with my papers...1 left still ...lol....not yet got a good job....I came by this site on my researches for online money making after dealing with a few PTC sites....Glad to know thtMturk pays my nation India apart from U.S. and thats a great news...Been turking for 3 months and earned more than 350$ by now :)

    So got a good decent pocket money for me now :)
  5. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    I do it just to get stuff. In Canada, my only option is Amazon.ca gift cards, so I buy things on Amazon.
    So far I have used my turk money to buy an iPad 2, Xbox 360 Kinect, Canon Digital Rebel SLR, some decent headphones, Christmas presents for my kids and some small miscellaneous electronics and other stuff. Next up - LCD HDTV!
  6. chaos

    chaos User

    Wow, you must be making some great money to have bought all that! The Ipad 2 and XBox 360 kinect alone must be worth at least $700. How long have you been turking?

    I've only been at it for 3 months, and am at about $550, though the first month I did very little because I was still kind of finding my way around and learning all the little tricks.
  7. It goes without asking, everyone works/Turks for money/extra income,the question sounds not good.
  8. izzxpopz

    izzxpopz User

    No such thing as a bad question. Of course everyone does it for money, it's what they do with that money he's trying to learn. Some people contribute to paying the bills, some people use it to buy things they like, and me for instance, I'm just saving up to help pay for student loans. It'll help in the long run.
  9. You are wrong izzxpopz, should have asked, "what do you do with your earnings?" instead of, why do we turk? I think you have got the picture now.
  10. izzxpopz

    izzxpopz User

    It's quite self-explanatory to me what he meant, I didn't take the time to ponder what he could possibly mean by the title of this thread, it's pretty obvious. No need to put the guy down.
  11. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    I've been turking for 10 months and just passed $2000. Woot!
  12. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    I'm a stay at home mom and all necessities are covered by my boyfriend's income. I wanted MY OWN money though. He'd give me anything he had, that's not the point. At first I used gift cards and have bought stuff for around the house, music, and books. Now I spend it on random crap while trying to save for a bigger item.

    I turk for the sense of independence. I join forums to watch people.

    I wish I'd found mturk about three years ago. Back then it would've been to keep me out a hole I may never dig myself out of.

    And just for fun, a wish list.
    xbox 360 w/kinect
    kindle for each of the kids
    some other tablet for the boyfriend (or tools, if I knew anything about that sort of thing)
    DVDs, hundreds of them (even though that tech's going to digital)
    Books, hundreds of digital books and tens of magazine subscriptions
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2012
  13. Newshinycd

    Newshinycd New Member

    I just started turking today (did it a couple of years ago but wasn't into it but now at my new job there is plenty of down time to work in a couple of hits). My plan for the money so far is the new Surface tablet and the new Windows Phone 8 that Microsoft announced.
    Other things are to use the money to go out somewhere with the wife or even just to throw it into savings.
  14. DeepaRaj

    DeepaRaj Active Member

    I really like to work in this Site. I Earned around 800$ and more within 7 months.It was really helpful to me to buy some things...
  15. IndianBossy

    IndianBossy Active Member

    For about 4 to 5 years i have crossed many money making scam sites and programs like mlm ptc and all those sh1ts. At last i found turking but now i dont have enough time to turk. All my failures in starting boost me to go for success so I turk to make money and find the best and legit money making programs online. I have found some too in all catagories like MLM, PTC, Freelancing, Captcha & Turking...... Proud At last i found the legit ones online.
  16. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    I basically turk to kill time. I use the money to buy photographic equipment. Fortunately, I have been blessed with a middle/upper-middle class back ground. So, I am not dependent on this. But any income is always welcome when there is no income of my own :)

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