Cant Withdrawl Funds. This is the email I am sending to Mturk.

Discussion in 'General' started by trueakitalover, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. petegq

    petegq User

    I heard they lowered the bank account withdrawal to $1, when did that happen ?
  2. pennykat

    pennykat User

    Mine is fixed, too. Had to enter my birth date as well!
  3. marcialoyd

    marcialoyd User

    Woo Hoo! Mine is fixed. Just transferred my money. I realize this was just a technical glitch but from now on in the future I will be withdrawing daily just to be safe. I depend on that $.
  4. phunk

    phunk User

    Mine's working except for the fact that I have yet to receive an email verifying my new email :(
  5. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Yesterday was the first time it was mentioned here, so probably in the past two days.

  6. If no-one else see's it this way, I do. My account was suspended a few days ago with $1137.00 in it! I recieved the same message that you did. Stating that they couldn't verify my tax information. Which has is my legit ssn, name, date of birth, etc. They didn't have a problem verifying it for the past year and a half. Because when I went to tax information status, it said verified. Now suddenly they couldn't verify it.
    I sent emails to Amazon, and kept receiving generated emails saying that it was going to Amazon's Special whatever team. Long story short, if I didn't happen to know someone then my account would have been gone, but I was able to recover it luckily. I wish you the best. But long story short, with draw every dollar you make, because I didn't have no problems until my money started building up in both my bank and amazon account.
  7. j0sh

    j0sh User

    I think the consensus is to not keep all your money in the mattress.

    In my short turking experience (Nov) I have seen Amazon Payments issues with SSN's on at least three separate occasions. You could search the forums and find a few threads discussing these issues. Every time its a crisis (and I am not exempt from panicking), which later resolves itself. I suggest if you do not want Amazon to have control over your money/life as it seems for some people, take it out. Now that the limit is lower you have more freedom to withdrawal your money when it's more convenient for you.

    Not to be a grouch, but sometimes it seems this forum has no memory.
  8. srdress

    srdress User

    If it weren't for your post I would have never noticed that we can withdraw to a bank account with only $1 not $10.

    Sweet Jesus Hallelujah!!!! (says the agnostic)

    EDIT: just withdrew a whopping $4.67. I'm livin' the good life now.

    This whole thing had me panicked too... mostly because I thought it was just me and I was going crazy, and a little bit because I'm in the middle of a move and thought the change of address was screwing things up even though I hadn't told Amazon I'm moving yet. Whew!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
  9. srdress

    srdress User


  10. matthew

    matthew Member

    How do I get in contact with them? They have not responded to my email. Have most of you had luck through emailing? And if so, using what contact address? I am kind of annoyed; everything was fine for months and now I cannot do anything!
  11. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    Can anyone confirm why they lowered the min to $1?
  12. matthew

    matthew Member

    I'm having a new problem. Now I cannot even work! I'm blocked from all hits because my Amazon Payment account is locked. None of my approved hits will even show up in my transaction history; they're perpetually "Approved - Pending Payment." Will they deal with this over the weekend? They won't even tell me the problem, only that my info is inaccurate, but that simply isn't true. It is all 100% accurate and I verified my account months ago with no problems.

    Anyone else having this problem? Sorry that all my first posts have been anxious, but I discovered this forum while trying to figure out why my Matt Rubin hits are STILL pending after 4-5 days. Oddly, it seems to correlate with my increased usage over the past week, when I really got hooked (had an account for months, but was a casual turker before). Now that I'm actually earning money, they're not letting me have it. And now they're not even letting me earn it! :(

    Somebody please tell me I'm not alone and this will get sorted. Any info, really, would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
  13. jballer

    jballer New Member

    Same thing happened to me, just started using it a lot and now this verification thing happens. I provided my information several times over the past few months but my account is still suspended. Then when I called they gave me the exact same line about how my info was inaccurate. I got an auto generated email this morning saying account specialists would look at it and get back to me in two or three days.

    As for approving hits, my pending hits keep getting approved, but the balance doesn't get added to my Amazon Payments account.

    Figured I'd post here to say you're not alone. I'm still pretty optimistic that this will all be forgotten about in a few days, but still it's making me worry. Not going to work on HITS until it's all figured out.
  14. matthew

    matthew Member

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. My hits are pending payment, not approval. Though they're being approved at a slower rate than is typical for these HITs. In any case, I'm relieved that this is not just happening to me. From earlier posts in this thread, it seemed like most people have had their issues resolved already. I'm hoping things get sorted on Monday.
  15. Lynn1960

    Lynn1960 Member

    What is the phone number to Amazon Payments? I am having the same problem. Thank you.

    UPDATE: I was able to reach Amazon Payments by phone...but I found out that Mechanical Turk has to resolve my issue. I have four "approved- pending payments" from December 29th and December 31st that have not paid.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
  16. It's quite odd that the same thing is happening to everyone. Or several people at least. My information says verified through Amazon Payments, but on Amazon Mturk it still show's "pending."
  17. jballer

    jballer New Member

    Good news, looks like my account is fixed. I haven't gotten an email from Amazon yet but I can access all the features on Payments. My Payments account is still a few dollars short of my MTurk earnings. Going to wait and see if that gets added, then I'll try sending money to my bank account later today.

    For future reference, if you need to get Amazon to fix something, it seems like calling them will get you on their radar, while emails will be completely ignored.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
  18. Lynn1960

    Lynn1960 Member

    I'm glad your account issue got fixed. I wish Mturk had a phone number.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
  19. Lynn1960

    Lynn1960 Member

    FYI...some of my long lingering "Approved-Pending Payments" from December are finally converting to PAID. I very happy.

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