You can do someone's homework for 3.00!

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Meg9, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Meg9

    Meg9 User

    Read 2 papers

    Read 2 articles and make a 20page powerpoint presentation (only text, no photos) on the pros and cons of the author's arguments on infrastructure sharing as per the thesis of these 2 articles

    I just thought this was too funny. a 20 page powerpoint presentation? I guess that is one way to get through undergrad.
  2. MattWrites

    MattWrites Member

    Hahaha! I worked my butt off to get through my undergraduate and graduate degrees. If I could tell them to not be a lazy bum, I would.
  3. Peppers

    Peppers Member

    The time spent putting the HIT on MTurk and then reviewing possible crappy work would be better spent just reading the 2 articles and putting the presentation together; it would probably be much faster too.

    And $3??

    My college roommate freshman year had some of her homework done by her dad's employees. :doh:
  4. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    $3 they could have spent for college loan payments.

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