What is everyone's opinion of 411Richmonds new pay scale?

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by omfgitschristi, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. omfgitschristi

    omfgitschristi New Member

    I tend to enjoy transcribing receipts. I have always tried to make a target goal of $2.00 per day, which wasn't difficult because that only took 20 receipts. I dont do this to earn a living...only for some extra Christmas cash. Well...today they changed their pay scale and after 10 hits I havent even made $1.00. Most of their receipts arent long enough to make the $0.10 they WERE paying. Anyone else feeling a little alienated?:mad:
  2. I kind of like and enjoy the new pay scale. However today I have noticed that I am not getting any bonuses, and on their end it is saying that they paid it out. But my end it is saying it hasn't been paid at all.

    I make more money in bonuses than I do on their hits anymore. Now it is a bonus for everything and before it was only for anything over 10 items. It all adds up.
  3. I like the New Payout on 411Richmonds. I make more in bonuses than ever before. I wish there was a place on the site so we could track the bonuses better.
  4. BlueMoods

    BlueMoods Active Member

    I just got a .76 cent bonus. That never could have happened with the old pay scale. Kind of offsets the 1 - 2 item receipts I kept ending up with yesterday.
  5. TheMouse

    TheMouse User

    I have not gotten the bonus I should have for a Fixing Mistakes receipt. I will only do the verify a single item receipts from now on. I know what I can expect on those.
  6. myhobbyshop

    myhobbyshop New Member

    Question for fixing mistakes in transcription

    When reviewing the receipts for mistakes, especially the ones with (SC) or savings after each item, are they supposed to be keyed or just the item without the savings?
  7. If you can't make 2.00 doing these there is a serious problem on your end. I am making 3.00 doing less than 20 receipts. I can do less work and get paid more in bonuses lately than in actual wages. Not doing thousands per week anymore either. I am doing 300-400 hits a week now making better money.
  8. kcott84

    kcott84 User

    I like it. It does kinda suck if your receipt is less than 4-5 items, so the base pay could stand to be a little more.
  9. Yes, but the longer receipts make up for it. I have only done 8 hits and I have made a dollar. I am working smarter not harder. I am not sitting here having to do 100's of hits a day to make 10.00. I can get that in 30-50 of his hits.
  10. Today 15 12 0 3 $2.04
    Aug 31, 2014 38 22 0 16 $2.76
    Aug 30, 2014 37 34 0 3 $5.17
    Aug 29, 2014 23 23 0 0 $2.61
    Aug 28, 2014 33 33 0 0 $1.33
    View more...

    ALL RICHMONDS IS ALL I DO. Not doing hundreds a day anymore.

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