There are no HITs available for you at this time. Please try again tomorrow.

Discussion in 'General' started by Mr.B, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. nottl

    nottl User

    I am receiving this message and I have 0 rejections, have been with mTurk for longer then 10 days, and have submitted less then 100 submissions today. I hit 92 submissions and then got this message. :(
  2. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    is today your day11? if yes it could be that amazon employees are lazy and you are still in probation period. if so you are still restricted to the 100 HITs/day (sumof()={HITs submitted} + {HITs returned} + {HITs abandoned})
    If I am wrong, we need some more information
  3. nottl

    nottl User

    Today is my 21st day. I sent a trouble ticket in to them about an hour ago but still have not heard a response.

    The only thing I can think of is that this is the first time I've submitted this many in a single day- I had decided "Okay. I've been dipping my toe in the pond, let's jump in". Then the pond gave me a error saying there was no jumping allowed. :(

  4. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    your problem is easy to solve, as i can see from your screen you are still in probation. you have to do 1 HIT on 10 days to become a full member. Just having signed up doesn`t count
  5. Nibelheim

    Nibelheim Member

    Similar situation with me. I received the "There are no HITs available for you at this time. Please try again tomorrow." message, but I have only submitted 60 HITs. Approval rating is 100% so far out of 43/60 being approved, the rest pending.

    Do HITs you return count as part of the 100 hits/day when you're on probation? I can't see how they would, since I'd say I've only returned about 10 hits total. Thanks.

    Today is only my first day, I realize I need to do at least 3 hits for 10 days, but I was under the impression I would be able to do at least 100/hits a day for 10 days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014
  6. nottl

    nottl User

    Ahhhh so it's cumulative days of work and not "days since you signed up"! Well, that makes sense. Just gotta wait another day or two, then. :3 Thank you for the reply!
  7. BloodRayen

    BloodRayen User

    on probation you can ACCEPT 100HITs/day. if you return or abandon some you won`t be able to submit 100. i think you ran out of time on some HITs. Unfortunately the HIT abandons and HIT return rate does not show up on the dashboard anymore, but there should be your issue
  8. Nibelheim

    Nibelheim Member

    Thank you! That makes more since... I believe it was because a particular requester stated the worker could not complete the same HIT question more than once, so it involved accepting and returning multiple times until I got to a question I hadn't answered yet.

    Thanks so much for your help.
  9. Nibelheim

    Nibelheim Member

    One more question, kind of related.

    When they say "Please try again tomorrow." is that 12:01 AM local time (for me that's EST), or 12:01 AM PST (3:00 AM EST)? Anyone know?

    I don't sleep much, so it's not gonna be the end of the world if it's 3:00 AM :)

  10. We're all on Amazon's time, so MTurk rolls over at 3 AM PST :)
  11. BoxNinja

    BoxNinja User

    Midnight pacific, 3 am eastern. ;)

    **EDIT** just realized this is an old thread that was necro'd

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