Tax information i got from amazon!

Discussion in 'General' started by trueakitalover, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Not me.......
  2. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I doubt it.
  3. davis0298

    davis0298 User

    I think a lot of this is confusing. When I spoke to my tax lady she said that I only have to report if I make over $600 from one requester. Each requester is considered a separate employer. MTurk may be one large site, but the requester is the one technically hiring us. I think I am really close to hitting that mark from one, but she said that I probably wouldn't owe anything since I have children and other tax credits. It is more of a formality thing. I was worried because I have made over $1,000 in a month. She said I could technically make as much as I wanted and not have to worry as long as I only made $599 from each requester. I am still going to turn everything in to her, but she said that the wording on the tax site makes it seem worse than it really is.
  4. CatGeekLady

    CatGeekLady New Member

    Yea, it's become annoying to me because I have no idea why it keeps rejecting my valid that common?
  5. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    I find it very odd that only some of you all go it and others did not. I made alot this year on turk I would have though I would have received something. Ill just play dumb.
  6. hobomatic

    hobomatic Member

    That is definitely not the case. A) 6050W. B) An mturk worker operates as an independent contractor, and income earned from mturk is earned under self-employment. You have to report anything over $400 bucks that you earned under your own employment (i thought it was $600 but its less). Thats in-total, regardless of the reporting obligation of payment services and 3rd party facilitators.

    Definitely go with your gut. Give her everything you've got.
  7. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    That's for social security...
  8. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    It sure is. And if you read the top two paragraphs on that linked page carefully, you'll see why that makes it completely tax-relevant for all US Turkers.
  9. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Amazon Payments made me enter my birthday Monday night. Wouldn’t let me make a withdrawal until I entered it; my last withdrawl prior had been on Saturday afternoon.
  10. pieper

    pieper User

    I didn't say I won't report anything; that was just my understanding of the $600 threshold. I don't mess with the IRS! :)
  11. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    All right, folks. This relatively new regulation and the $600 thing both often confuse people, so I thought I'd point out a post I just made to my blog about all of it. Hope it helps!

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