Swati Yanamadala -- Supermarket Product Categorization

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Playa_hamm420, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Nemisis9

    Nemisis9 Member

    17 rejected 133 pending none paid last time I ever do a new turk request.

    Surely they should put limits for new requester s as they get their work done for nothing then leave rejoin and do it all over again this is sheer madness.

  2. Hence why we have TO and this here forum :D
  3. Left untouched....feeels bliss :)
  4. We all did limited hits to be safe and are waiting for approval. But all the 15000+ hits vanished in 1 1/2 days....
  5. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    I have a question but I don't know how to find out. Will probably google but will ask here...

    When a requester puts up their HITs, are they required to have enough money in their amazon payments account to cover everything in case they all get approved? Just wondering how amazon attempts to prevent complete scammers, even if only theoretically.
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    They have to have enough to cover it. They don't have to actually pay though - bastards.
  7. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Thanks, Booty.

    That'll probably read as funny as typing it =)
  8. ldenton

    ldenton New Member

    I have just received several "rejections" from this requester. As my accuracy rate is 99%, I am very unhappy with this one. I will add him to my list of jerks, and not do any more of his hits. I just find it irritating that these new guys really expect people to get 100% accuracy.
  9. writermom

    writermom Active Member

    Yeah, same here, got rejected several times already. Never again will I do work from this requester.
  10. writermom

    writermom Active Member

    Hey guys,

    I wrote a letter to Swati Yanamadala asking why she seems to be concentrating only on rejecting HITs, and surprise, surprise, I got an answer and a quick one too! Here's what she said:

    Thanks for your email. I am doing the rejections first and then everything else will be approved by Friday, which is why it might seem like a high proportion are being rejected. I am going through very carefully to make sure that the approvals/rejections are accurate.

    Many thanks,

    So what do you think of her response?
  11. writermom

    writermom Active Member

    Well, there's hope. I did a lot of this guy's HITs so I am hoping that my massive approvals will negate all the rejections.
  12. Well I suppose it's something that they actually responded so quickly. In any case.. I am still very glad I only did 6 HITs and most likely will steer clear whether these are approved or not.
  13. iceblink

    iceblink User

    I did 16 and still got all 16 pending.. If she's taking care of the approved hits last then hopefully that's a good sign :S
  14. ^^ Shes not i got 2 more rejections today and still 42 pending 1 approved.
  15. iceblink

    iceblink User

    Damn ;O Glad i only did 16 of these things I'm normally the idiot who does 100s and just thinks screw it ;D

    There was just something about her name and how the hit was worded that i just didn't like tho lol
  16. Bertha

    Bertha User

    I thought this would be an easy HIT at the time, how hard could it be to categorize supermarket items? I guess extremely hard because I only did 24 Hits and they have rejected 3, one a day. I'm worried about the other 21 that are still pending.
  17. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    No, it's not. They copy/pasted the same bullshit to everyone.
  18. I didn't say it was anything good I was simply making a comment about the fact that they DID respond as opposed to ignoring queries like a lot of requesters do.
  19. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Mm.. in this case, I would have rather gotten NO response. They didn't even bother to read mine, because I asked/mentioned nothing about the rejections and got the exact same form letter.

    I see where you're coming from though. Many requesters don't even bother with that.
  20. Either way it's annoying as hell. Either they don't answer us back at all or they answer back but everyone gets the same cookie cutter response that everyone else gets which means people who email with specific questions are wasting their time.

    You'd think some of these people could take a moment of their time for people that are doing work for them, especially considering the pay some of them offer.

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