
Discussion in 'Requesters' started by sharpertongue, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. sharpertongue

    sharpertongue Member

    SpeechInk doesn't appear to have a tab for their style guide any longer in their Mturk HITs. If they do, I definitely don't see it. Does anyone have all of their style guides? I think there is a separate style guide for their insurance interviews, media transcription, captioning, and video transcription & tagging. Help?
  2. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    I see a tab for the style guide in the HIT that I have open.
  3. sharpertongue

    sharpertongue Member

    Okay. There's no style guide in the Video Transcribing and Tagging HITs.
  4. Orion0767

    Orion0767 Active Member

    I think this is what you're looking for ... Same company , different name.

  5. SpeechInk is now SpeechPad, but they don't have a style guide on their website either.

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