Slow down audio or rewind?

Discussion in 'CastingWords' started by VarunBatra, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. VarunBatra

    VarunBatra User

    I wonder what according to you is the preferred choice of transcribing. Do you slow down the audio speed (for e.g. run at 50%) or do you run the video for a few seconds, pause for a few seconds and then rewind for a few seconds before playing again? I currently use Crowdsurf's newbie controls for transcribing and I have also transcribed videos by slowing down media files by 50% but that just seems too slow for me to understand very well. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    For longer transcriptions I download the file and use my foot pedal. For Crowdsurf I use the shortcut keys. I listen, pause, type...rinse and repeat.
  3. I used to slow it down, but I was misunderstanding a fair amount because of it. Now I play at normal speed and rewind when it overtakes my memory. There's more rewinding but fewer errors.
  4. pwt

    pwt User

    Same as electrical. Once I got fast enough and was able to keep a big enough "buffer" in my head of what I'm hearing, I only back up when I fall behind. Unless it's a really fast talker. Then I only slow it down so they are talking at a normal speed.

    Though lately I haven't been doing jack because of the lack of work.
  5. kalorie

    kalorie Member

    It depends on the speaker. If it's a newscaster who speaks clearly and quickly, I slow down. Otherwise, I pause. I try not to rewind at all the first time through, just pause adequately so that I can catch up to the speaker.

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