Problems with CW workshop not paying

Discussion in 'CastingWords' started by zinni, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. zinni

    zinni User

    OK, I know this is the mturk forum, and this question is about the CW Workshop, but I'm not sure where else to go with this question.

    I've only been working on the workshop for a couple weeks. Last week all was good, they paid me right on time, 12 AM Pacific time.

    This week, nothing. Midnight has come and gone. So has noon Pacific time. I've emailed them and got no answer.

    I wouldn't be working on the workshop at all if it wasn't for the fact that they're putting up the expedited hits there first.

    Hopefully soon this will be resolved, but for now I certainly prefer mturk. Wish they'd put the expediteds on both sites at the same time instead of giving first dibs to the workshop workers.

    Edit: OK, as soon as I put this up, I got an email from them saying the pay is coming. I'm just a little too eager today, I guess...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
  2. Salvia

    Salvia Member

    Glad to hear they fixed it. You had me a little worried there. I've been thinking about trying to use the workshop more, but I've only done one or two hits there so far, not enough that I ever bothered requesting a payout.
  3. I've been on the workshop since it started; I've haven't been paid either, but it's the first time there has been a delay, so I'm being patient.

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