New round of social and political survey HIT, about 15 min, pays $1

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by Leslie McCall, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Leslie McCall

    Leslie McCall Member

    Hello Turkers,

    I've just posted a new HIT on MTurk. It's an academic survey of social and political attitudes that takes about 15 minutes to complete and pays $1.

    Please note that the required qualification is *autogranted*; it is only meant to make sure no one who has taken the survey in the past takes it again. If you've already taken one of our surveys, thank you!

    You should be able to find my HIT by searching for "Leslie".

  2. Malaclypse

    Malaclypse User

    i don't understand autogranted, i've got no option to request the qual to get it granted. does that mean i've taken it before?
  3. Leslie McCall

    Leslie McCall Member

    Hmm, it was my understanding that you wouldn't even be able to see the HIT if you had taken it before. I'm not sure if you feel comfortable sharing this info, but if you e-mail me your Worker ID (, I can check if you've taken the survey before.

    In any case, I'm sorry that the autogranting function isn't working for you.

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