New and Loving It!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by blucosh, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. blucosh

    blucosh Active Member

    I am new to turking but so far I am enjoying making some cash while being a stay-at-home-mom! I seem to be making my goal of $3 a day for about an hour of work. Thats almost $100 a month! Every little bit helps!
    I am wondering if when I "return a hit" does ever count against me? Sometimes I click accept a hit and part of the hit doesn't work right or a pop up says I am not qualified and I need to return the hit. Does that count against me?
    Thanks for any info you can give me and I look forward to sharing with you all on this forum!
  2. narawhsengiv

    narawhsengiv Active Member

    no it won't count against you. its better to return the hit which doesn't suits you or which is not working. if you return the hit its nothing to worry. if you keep the hit unfinished it will count as abandoned. if your abandoned percentage increases you can't do some specific hits.

    by the way welcome to turking.
  3. blucosh

    blucosh Active Member

    Great! Good to know! Thanks for the answer & the welcome!
  4. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Welcome to the forum! :)
  5. blucosh

    blucosh Active Member

    Thank you! I look forward to learning and sharing lots of helpful hints!
  6. Spidermmm

    Spidermmm User

    Welcome to this great forum.

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