Need help understand one of the Crowdsurf guidelines

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Morgainne, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Morgainne

    Morgainne Member

    I tried contacting Crowdsurf support with no word back about a markdown on a review I got. I guess I need clarification on using the /g for a word. At the end of the transcript the person said the word event and it sounded like the word was cut off.

    Going by the context of what the person was saying it sounded like he was going to say "events" so I typed in events/g. The reviewer marked it down as an incorrect word. So who is wrong here? Me or the reviewer? I am new to doing their hits and want to do well so I have been reading through the guidelines and going through forum topics to learn things.

    From what I understand (or thought I understood) you should not mark down a person when they use /g or am I wrong in this? If that's the case I want to be more careful with using the /g for words.
    It's also not the first transcript I did either that was marked wrong. I just never said anything. Any clarification on the /g would be appreciated. Thank you!
  2. tstivers

    tstivers New Member

    It sounds like the reviewer is incorrect. The guidelines clearly state you're supposed to append words you aren't sure of with /g. Although it seems like you're supposed to use it more for instances where you aren't sure of the spelling, such as a company name or family name rather than for instances where you are guessing at the last word. But I don't think it's right to mark you for it. After all, that seems to be what /g is for, to let the editor know the word may not be correct, and may need further review. But maybe you were supposed to use [inaudible] (iii) instead.

    On another note, I've found CrowdSurf reviews to be completely and utterly maddeningly fucking inconsistent. I'd say just don't stress over it too much, and try to follow the guidelines to the best of your abilities. If you're keeping your score above 3.5 every week, then you're doing well. I myself have no trouble keeping my score reasonably comfortable. It still pisses me off when I see the odd <3 rating, and find it's the reviewer's mistake. But it's not worth the effort to fix the rating when I could spend that time doing more hits, making more money, not giving a fuck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2015
  3. everl0ng

    everl0ng Member

    From my understanding, like tstivers said, the /g is more for situations like names of people that you are unsure about in regards to spelling. It's hard to determine without listening to the clip myself, but I'd imagine I would have used [UNKNOWN] (uuu). The guidelines say to use the unknown tag "if you cannot transcribe the word or term but it is audible." But, who knows. Now watch, I'll have a markdown pop-up for using unknown in a similar situation...
    Wouldn't some clarification after a markdown just be peachy :rolleyes:.

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