My favorite requesters.

Discussion in 'General' started by Ganesh, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Ganesh

    Ganesh User

    Brilliant Arc.

    Sorry for that Bro...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2012
  2. IndianBossy

    IndianBossy Active Member

    Hi bro Ganes. Can u suggest some good hits which uploaded in night times. Mostly I will be turking in late nights only. Hope ur suggestions will help me for sure.
  3. Okay, but I don't remember there was only 1 hit available or few.
  4. Ganesh

    Ganesh User

    Mostly they comes at night..

    Keep search for good hit bro...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2012
  5. Hi Ganesh Bro,
    So you getting JohnDefalco Hits at night. Lucky you!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2012
  6. kitty12

    kitty12 Member

    Such an amazing work from Ganesh... I really really appreciate ur sincerity and helpfullness in sharing these valuable information.. Im sure all those who view this will be thankfull to u...
  7. Ganesh

    Ganesh User


    Thanks kitty12.. :)
  8. Ganesh

    Ganesh User

    Tips about Human Computer Interaction Research

    Long task but very easy :)

    • Requester - Human Computer Interaction Research
    • Task - Make Virtual Bank Transactions for Human-Computer Interaction Research
    • Reward - $5 :D
    • Time - 3 Days (they give)
    • U need - 3 Hours

      Qualifications Required:
      Total approved HITs is greater than 100
      HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    • Note : User who already did a HIT from this company are not allowed to do this HIT. Repeating workers who will do it will not be approved!

    Very easy task. this look like the paypal transaction.

    In this HIT you will be asked to make 150 virtual bank transactions.
    The assignment takes only approximately 2.5 hours long (~ 1minute per transaction)
    You can take your time and complete the task within 3 days.
    The transactions, emails, amount, bank details etc are all random and fictitious. No risk is involved.
    The aim of the task is to help human-computer-interaction (HCI) research.
    You are requested to behave normally, as you would in a real web-based bank transaction.


    also he upload $ 0.50. so make your best choice.!:cool:

    All the Best..
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2012
  9. globalskyearning

    globalskyearning Active Member

    How to do???

    Could u plz tell me? How to do proofread HITS?
  10. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Yes Ganesh, even I did this task. It is very easy and can be done at ones leisure time. The requester successfully paid $5 for the task.
  11. Thanks brother, but this hit is not available.
  12. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Hi all,

    I see that all the requester names which were initially provided by Ganesh at the begining of this thread have been removed.
    All the initial posts in this thread now just shows : "hi friends

    (Last edited by Ganesh; 05-31-2012 at 09:45 AM.)"

    Whats the reason for this Ganesh? Did anything untoward happen?
  13. Yes nothing seems in. Reason for removing the list?
  14. Ganesh

    Ganesh User

    Admin Andy..

    :mad::mad: Admin Andy :mad::mad:
  15. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    What is that mean? He just edited your posts?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2012
  16. Grimtock

    Grimtock User

    So many of my favorite requester's are gone! Since I've come back to Mturk most of them are new to me. I've enjoyed CrowdSource and CrowdFlower. They offer easy hits. I enjoy the surveys because they're fast and easy and it is the a really good way to build up money. I'm very selective on the hits that I do. If I'm lucky enough to come across a high paying one I will grab it and complete it. I don't do audio because I don't have the time to dedicate even though some of those are good hits. There are many hits that I won't do because the pay is a joke. I laugh at hits that want words written for under a $1. Those are a complete waste of time and I don't care how easy they are. I will only accept the writing assignment's that pay for time/quantity.

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