My Account Was Suspended (HELP!)

Discussion in 'General' started by Ryberg, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I've submitted over 37K HITs on Mturk and have a 98.5% approval rate. I know one of my blocks came from NetMSi and the other from The Public Group (this being my 3rd block). I've read of some having success in getting the account unbanned; who can I contact? Does anyone have NetMSi's contact info as well (will try to get block reversed since they do seem to respond)? For some reason, I cannot fully check my dashboard to contact requesters. Help :(.
  2. Madhur

    Madhur User

    Did you get an email when NetMsi and the Public group blocked you ?
  3. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Got one when NetMSi did, but I didnt get one from TPG. I just received an email that my account was suspended due to bllcks and yesterday TPG rejected 40 of my HITs so im thinkin' it was them.
  4. Madhur

    Madhur User

    Do request them to unblock you..that's the only way to get back your account and never work on HIT's of which you are not good and mostly likely to get rejections..
  5. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I managed to get my account back! :D :D :D :D
  6. naturegirl

    naturegirl User


    *plays theme music of your choice so you can do a victory round*
  7. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Please enjoy this engraved glass coffee mug. :D
  8. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Haha thanks yall. I'll be sure to never do HITs for requesters with bad TO again.
  9. guruvammal

    guruvammal Member

    suspended account

    how did u get back to ur account reactivated?mine too suspended today.thts y i m asking u.i have 245$ in my a/c.pls help me(
  10. Wow, hello incredibly old thread LOL
  11. guruvammal

    guruvammal Member

    is from morning i m tried to solve my prblm.can u know slutions to get money from suspended mturk account

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