Matt Krudop-- Assign category to product

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Playa_hamm420, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Found him.. More info to come :D

    Matthew Everett Krudop, Managing Partner / CEO, Intersect Solutions LLC
    Matthew E. Krudop is the founder and managing partner for Intersect Solutions, LLC which is a strategically focused firm that delivers data warehouse consulting and business intelligence solutions designed to improve their client’s competitive edge. Mr. Krudop has deep domain expertise in the area of delivering analytic solutions and platforms. Additionally, he has further personal experience working with retail, market research, and online marketing / advertising.

    So it sounds like a Store.. Perhaps Meijer Inc, <-- my Guess... Has hired this company to restructure there data some how :D
  2. God I hope there are not majority rulezz...,.
  3. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    A bad tail is tingering me coz Auto Approval date is a Bit high if he is a regular Requester.
  4. well 340 rejection or approvals.. the wait begins....
  5. Auto approval rate is only 7 days.. These very well MAY BE majority rules hits.. ive stoped after around 550 ... i can bring my account back from that :\
  6. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    I only managed to get a little over 300 of these done...they sure went fast! I hope they all approve!!! :)
  7. Well he sounds fairly decent at least there's info to be found about him. Hopefully these all get approved and paid without a problem. I did 250 and then stopped and went to shower since I knew I couldn't give in from there and do more LOL Fingers crossed for everyone!
  8. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    I will never go over 10 in any case. Will see this assignment and will wait for next one. And guys after getting your result please make some TO rating. It helps Brave guys like me. :p
  9. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    Whats your daily submission rate?
  10. iceblink

    iceblink User

    They reminded me slightly of those old Swati Binhwhahahahs or whatever hits.. which kinda put me off doing that many..

    I did around 5
  11. Same.. it will drop me to 98.4 or so if they all get rejected. Be smoking out redwood every second there ins't anything good around if that happens to get back 99%. I took the risk. hopefully it pays off.
  12. Wont drop me very far.. to like 98.9% i think.. no biggie..

    I thought the same but these were a WAY smaller list of shit to select.. also 15K auto approved after 7 days.. The odds are in our favor :p

    Im sorry what?
  13. I think the question is how many hits do you submit daily.. I average 500+ daily for example for the last 3 or 4 weeks
  14. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    2much Turkin, you are ryt. thats my question. Nad thanks for the answer :)
  15. Swati Yanamadala. Yes, I am also a victim of that shitty requester. Don't have the braveness to do similar hits by any requester anymore.... :(
  16. I am pretty sure this was for Safeway, I ran into a Safeway product and the categories match some of the categories on their online store. I hope that is the case. I did about 350 of these. Whohoo!
  17. These are finally going through. I did 250 HITs for him.. of those 22 were rejected. :(

    Not terribly bad in all.. approval is still at 99.7% so I guess I'm alright with it.
  18. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Thanks for posting! I had to go check mine out...:)

    Rejected 23 of mine, I'm still sitting at 99.8%

    I'm so glad I did a crap ton of these..:)
  19. Ohh yay didnt even know these went thru today.. I got out of 595... 50 Rejected.. Would have droped my approval rating down a very small notch to like 99.1% :D

    But since i dont have my account any more it dosent fucking matter.. But i will withdrawl my money :D have been getting 1$ a day for the past cpl days old pending hits being approved :D yay
  20. Oh did he leave a msg as to why they were rejected?? I cant axx my previously done hits to look at anything.. stupid mturk.

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