Longest streak without rejection

Discussion in 'General' started by Lan Ji, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Lan Ji

    Lan Ji New Member

    I was just wondering, what is the longest anyone here has managed to go before their first rejection? I only started a month ago and have about 70 approved 0 rejected, I wonder how long I can keep this 0% rejection streak up. I'm not worried about getting a rejection really, just curious about the experiences of others.

    So post how long you went before your first rejection!
  2. about a week.
  3. chaos

    chaos User

    I'm on my longest streak right now... 16 days. 2287 approvals since then, with no rejections.
  4. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    I started Turking in January. Now I only have about 550 submitted hits, and I only do surveys and some Oscar hits, but I have not been rejected once yet. So far, so good.............:)
  5. djolerkv

    djolerkv Active Member

    I recently did over 2000 with NetMsi. Great requester if you can do adult descriptions well enough.
  6. I think I just went two whole days without a rejection! My longest streak (in 13 days of Turking). 11 rejections total - one was a survey scammer, all the others were bloody Imfuna! I have been very strict with not getting sucked into their transcribing/editing and I am getting no rejections (touch wood, still got a few waiting approval).
  7. SoloOne

    SoloOne Member

    I went from 0-498 without a rejection, then foolishly was rejected for 2 HITs from a bad requester(My TO was acting screwy), as I tried to reach 500. Since then I had 1 rejection up to about 1200 approved for a total of 3, but I have a bunch of pending HITs.
  8. chaos

    chaos User

    I guess this thread jinxed me, just got a rejection. I did 50 hits for this requester and only one was rejected though, so not too bad.
  9. iceblink

    iceblink User

    10 days ;D
  10. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    I've been turking for a year and get a rejection about every three months. I got a bunch in my first month, but since then not much. Longest streak is 90-something days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2012
  11. Slicer

    Slicer User

    I worked for Crowdsource for a year without getting any rejections, then in the last couple of days I got one from Fluffy Cloud (majority-rules bullshit), one from Corey B (no explanation), and one from Ettore Daniel Bonfanti ("sorry an error occurred"- listen, asshole, if an error occurs on your end, YOU STILL PAY.)
  12. vijay1975

    vijay1975 Active Member

    Been on Mturk for over 18 months now. Clocked about 17000 hits... Once, I went 2947 hits without a rejection. But, I mostly do Oscar Smith, Data Entry (Pdf to Form) type hits and surveys. I watch the ratings on TO and then only accept the work. My approval rating is presently at 99.7% and after my last rejection, I have done 1048 hits. Wish you all good luck...
  13. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    I received two rejections from Corey B with no explanation, as well. I wrote about a half-dozen summaries of articles with four accepted with the comment "Well Done! Thanks for your help.", but no feedback at all for the two that were rejected. (A note to any requesters- I'm a big boy, and can handle reasonable rejection*, but I need feedback as to why my work is rejected so I can improve.)

    As to the "an error occurred on our end error so we rejected your work", I agree that Ettore Daniel Bonfanti should have paid because the mistake was on their end, not yours, but I'm realizing that we are very much at the mercy of the caprice and whims of the requesters. All we can do is give them a bad rating through Turkopticon and post messages about them on here to warn others, then do a few dozen Oscar Smith HITs to make up for the rejection.

    *I qualify this because I recently had a bunch of hits rejected by Sebastian Darr that I think were improperly rejected, which I've ranted about extensively elsewhere on this forum.
  14. ds_36

    ds_36 User

    Well I don't remember when I got my first rejection. I have 240 of them in total :) But currently I think it's been about three months since I've gotten one. And now I probably just jinxed myself.
  15. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    About 5k HITs. Then about another 5k. Then I had all my 20 HITs rejected around the same day, dumb dumb requester, I know I did my HITs correctly -.-
  16. Sebastian is rated as horrible by most everyone. That is why his hits stay at the top always of most available hits because no one wants to do them,lol. Stay away from that guy.

    I have went about a month- But I knew I could quite possibly get rejected as the person was a new requester with a weird task so I kind of knew it was possible.

    Amazon should be banning requesters if they have enough bad ratings. They are just there to steal. If workers work, they should be paid for it.

    I find it odd that we can get banned on the whim of requesters who block us..only 3. And yet..they don't get banned if they don't pay people etc. Huh?lol. They don't have to have a reason to ban us...That system really needs to change to keep good workers around.


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