Just had a script idea...

Discussion in 'Scripts' started by Orsinichris, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. If its stupid or already exists let me know but I would find this helpful. What would u think of a script that will put a list of ur favorite requesters at the bottom of ur dashboard. Just click the requester and it would take u to their HITs. What do u think? Wish I knew how to make scripts, I would totally do it if I could.
  2. Banu

    Banu User

  3. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Not a perfect solution, but what you can do is click on a requesters name to get their search results page, then add this to your favorites. From there, it is still a click away.
  4. Phase

    Phase User

    To add onto this, modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox for sure) have a bookmark bar just under the address bar at the top. You could add your bookmarks to those pages there.
  5. I'll add this to my "Scripts To Write When There Are No HITs To Do" -list. :)
  6. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i do this with the bookmarks toolbar too. a script is probably overkill. i've got 12 buttons, each searches for a specific requester, when i have nothing to do i just click down the line... even caught two lakes that way last night, i'm usually never the first person to notice their hits...
  7. j0sh

    j0sh User

    As the other's have mentioned, you can add search results to your favorites. I personally store my favorite requester's in one bookmark folder in Firefox's "bookmarks toolbar." At the bottom of the folder I can open them all in new tabs with a click of a button. I also have my own system and add notes to the bookmarks name to help me keep track i.e. [QR5/NF] BH - Two Lakes Research (QR= Quality rating NF = Not frequent and BH= Batch HIT).

    Good idea though. Let's hope that ThirdClassIntMasterTurker or someone else has the time to make one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2012
  8. I never thought of the bookmark idea. Gotta love community
  9. If you use TurkAlert you can also search from the links on your requester's page. I just leave the page open in a tab.

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