Is this HIT allowed?

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by thallewell, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. thallewell

    thallewell New Member

    I would like to pay people to write something about a novel that I wrote on their own facebook page. It can be funny, serious, offensive, happy, complimentary or rude. Whatever you want it to be like. I won't tell you what to say, but I do want them to at least link to the page for the book so people can see what they are talking about.

    I don't want people to set up fake facebook pages to do this. No spam. Each account would need to be over a year old, have over 100 friends and be either in the US or the UK.

    I think, according to US laws, it would be necessary for the people to include a disclaimer stating that they are being compensated for the comment.

    What are your thoughts Turkers? Is this something I would be allowed to do? Would my account get shut down if I tried this?

    I was thinking I would pay $.25-$.50 for each comment (one per account).
  2. Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2013

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