Is it legal to use multiple amazon mechanical turk accounts to make money?

Discussion in 'General' started by clusteredmaps, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. clusteredmaps

    clusteredmaps New Member

    I make about 300-400 dollars a month now on websites other then amazon mechanical Turk. (mostly micro-workers BUT ALSO SLICE THE PIE, MOBILEWORKS, and a few others that paid a few dollars ). I was not tempted to sock AMT until I got suspended on Amazon Mechanical Turk. After that I talked to one of my friends and he told me that he created multiple AMT accounts all using his real name and real social security number. When You earn more then 500-600 dollars on amazon mechanical Turk in the united states, they verify your information mostly for tax purposes. Has anyone been suspended on AMT, and gotten re-verified on AMT after they earned 500-600 dollars? Also , is it legal to create a second account on AMT, after you are suspended in order to earn money? You are not providing them with any false information. I do not mind cheating but I do not want to be a criminal.
  2. Cheaters never win.


    Just my opinion. Someone else would have to answer whether it's 'legal' or not I suppose, as I have never had my account suspended and if I screwed up enough to have it suspended that would be the end. Why risk losing several hundred dollars again by creating another account after you've been suspended?
  3. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    The law is not even going to come into play. AMT will deal with it long before that.

    But as to whether this falls under the definition of fraud, I suggest you ask your lawyer.
  4. Lupian

    Lupian Member

    Pondering the difference between cheating and a criminal act. Hmmmmm
    A hooker makes maybe $20 per encounter. Would we have a different descriptive name for one who only accepts a million dollars for an encounter, or are they both prostitutes?

    As a wise poster already noted: Cheating always loses. The best definition of integrity is What a person does when he/she thinks nobody is looking.
  5. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Definitely not "illegal".
  6. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    Definitely fraud. When you create an account you agree to the Participation Agreement, and you agree to use only one account. When Amazon finds out, they will close all your accounts, and you will forfeit your money. Scammers hurt the entire system.
  7. lgoffigan

    lgoffigan New Member

    Multiple MTurk Accounts

    I have made about $700 on MTurk and the HITS are shrinking. I have two other worker ID's that are not yet verified through the bank. I got online to find out if there are other turkers with multiple accounts and there was no information to that effect. A new account would produce additional work, I am questioning the viability of using the other two accounts. Any opinions about multiple accounts on MTurk?
  8. lashonda

    lashonda User

    You run the risk of getting both accounts banned.
  9. Do you people even read the ToS? -smh- When ALL of the accounts you feel the need to have on AMT are banned, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
  10. prakash

    prakash Active Member

    why is it not?:wink:
  11. vaas

    vaas User

    If you read the full Tos you can notice the words: Mechanical Turk worker account may or may not be released to third party.

    why not create a new legal account with your mom or dad's details.
  12. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Your account is supposed to have YOUR details - not some third party.

    Your mom and your dad are THIRD PARTIES.

    Stop offering suggestions on breaking the TOS, please.
  13. November

    November Member

    Your mom and dad will have to pay income tax on any account you make in their name. If they don't, the IRS can levy hefy fines.

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