I will update here some good communication with Oscar Smith

Discussion in 'General' started by riazthemturkhelper, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. pieper

    pieper User

    Thank you! That is a cool project...sure hope he isn't done though - LOL - I was just starting to get the hang of doing them!
  2. When the address is in a different country such as Japan, do we write the country Japan in the state section or in the city section and if there is no logo, do we just drag anywhere? Kind of unclear.
    There are also cards with more than one email address. ._.
  3. pieper

    pieper User

    I've tried addresses every which way, but it seems I keep a more stable score (his internal score) if just don't try to figure it out...if Japan is printed on the card, then put that in the STATE section. If the country is not designated (whether it is Canada, Australia, or...) then leave that space blank. It IS confusing, so just do your best.

    If there is no logo, I highlight the whole card.

    Maybe someone else has some suggestions. Plus, if you contact "Oscar" you will get a reply and sometimes they will even answer your specific questions...LOLOLOL :) (These HITS have been a great help in piling up numbers and he rarely, if ever, rejects.)
  4. Haha thank you! That's what I've been doing. I've been putting the country in the state section. I'll try highlighting the whole card instead of a random section when there is no logo. I somehow dropped from 88 to 83 though. It might've been because I was returning a lot and I only found out today that that could ruin your score. I'm just so anxious to get to the 5 cent HITS. It also says he was banned on here so I don't know his email address or new Mturkforum account if he made another one. D:
  5. pieper

    pieper User

    I just realized I didn't answer one of your points...if there is more than one address or more than one email, use the first one, or the one on the left.

    Yes, it does count against you if you return them. It shouldn't, as I don't believe that's the norm, but it is HIS norm, so we have to go with that.

    His email address is: project.oscar@gmail.com.

    Be careful about following everything in this thread...I made up this huge cheatsheet from this forum and then found that there were some items that were NO LONGER the norm. No one's fault...just live and learn.

    I've pretty much given up ever reaching the standard that is set for 5 cent HITS - I am now just trying to relax and enjoy what I'm doing... :)

    Also - I used Internet Explorer for these for one very good reason: on the bottom right side, you can enlarge the size of the screen. If the card is very hard to read, I will put it up to 200% magnification...if it's too fuzzy, though, it will be fuzzy no matter what, but then you can honestly say it's "unreadable." I keep mine at 125% almost all the time, just to help prevent Turker Eyestrain!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
  6. Thank you for the help. If I have any further questions I'll contact you or him. I LOVE doing these HITS more than any other hits. Well, I don't really know of any other HITS that are like his besides that categorize groceries one but I can't seem to find those anymore. Are there any other super simple HITS out there that only pay 1-2 cents?

    Edit: Btw, what do we do if the card is in Chinese or a different language? Do we write "Unreadable" or...

    And and andddd what if there is no area code for the phone number? There are so many things left unexplained. @_@;
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
  7. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    They guy who was banned on here was an imposter.
  8. pieper

    pieper User

    Here's what I do...if it is in, say, Chinese (I just had one of these today) - the name and title were in Chinese. So I put "unreadable" in those fields. However, his email, the website and phone numbers were in English, so I put them in that way. If there is no area code, I put "000" then the number.

    I like doing these too, in between...build up your numbers of successful HITs and a lot more things become available. This is hard work, sitting here doing repetitive tasks, so I think it helps to do a few different kinds every hour or so.

    Many folks here share good HITs in the daily "Finding Good HITs" part of the forum (on a daily basis) so it pays to spend some time there, as well.
  9. ennaira

    ennaira User

    I have not read this full thread, but I have a simple question about Canadian address for example, where do you type Ontario? (Ontario is a province)
  10. pieper

    pieper User

    If the province is not given, don't enter it. So, I would enter Toronto in the city and skip over to the zip and put it there. However, if it does say Toronto, Ontario I put the whole thing in city box. I may be doing them wrong, so don't go by me...my score goes up and down at Oscar's will...there are a lot of confusing items to consider.
  11. ennaira

    ennaira User

    My score is also fluctuating between 89-94. What I was doing from the beginning is typing Toronto in the city and Ontario in the state field but realized today that maybe I was doing wrong with typing Ontario in the state field, so I thought of asking it here. I emailed Oscar today so I'm hoping to get an answer
  12. ennaira

    ennaira User

    Here's a reply from Oscar Smith on where to type "Ontario" (Canadian Address)

    "Ontario is the state. For more clarifications on the understanding of city, state and zip code, please check Google".
  13. mralaska

    mralaska User

    Thank you for this thread!

    I just signed up and tried my first HIT. The first two were training and they confused me. It said I had the email incorrect and would not accept my answer even when I copied and pasted their correction (which was the same as I had initially entered), which led to more errors as I was trying different things to try to figure it out. Then it told me I had an error when I entered the fax number stating that there was no fax number on the card, even though it clearly stated the same number as "Phone and Fax:"

    The training cards gave me some other errors also simply because the order I typed things so I hope it does not downgrade me based on those cards.

    The real card caused me my first real question, though. If the website is not listed on the card, but it is obvious by the company name and email address, do we enter anything for the website address?

  14. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    No, if it's not on the card, don't put it in.
  15. mralaska

    mralaska User

    Thanks! I did it that way but my quality score ended up tanked anyway (69) even though they were all accepted for payment (100). Before submitting my first real HIT I had to accept the user agreement during which the HIT expired while I was reading it. This went against my quality score, of course, which is something new people need to be careful of if they read user agreements, especially if they spent almost too much time trying to make sure they got the HIT correct in the first place.

    Hitting the "Return" button by accident instead of the correct submit button cost me another point.

    I had one card time out trying to figure out a foreign address but I guess abandoned counts the same as return in a case like that?

    When selecting a Logo I was including the company name but I am not sure that is always correct. Even their example has the company name beside the logo and not actually part of it. Also if the company name is in bold fancy letters on top of the card but their logo image is on the bottom of the card I was selecting the entire card but not sure how it is graded.

    Sometimes the name on the logo differed from their actual company name. For instance if the logo said "Ford" but the company name was "Worthless Motors" I would use the latter but not sure if that was what they want.

    If the person put something like "Top Agent" under their name I would enter that as part of the title but not sure if it is correct. Even though it was probably marketing I have no way of knowing that. In my work have seen people put stuff like "Senior Mortgage Consultant" under their name which people might think is a title but it is usually just something they added on their own for marketing purposes because they felt it sounded more impressive than their title. In this case the question is how Oscar is grading them.

    In this thread there are conflicting emails from Oscar as to whether we should flag a Canadian address as foreign or not.

    It would sure make it easier if we could review errors somehow!

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