I hate this guy..

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by acustic, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. acustic

    acustic User

    Most of this guy's hits are unavailable to me, and I'm ok with that, I don't care, my problem is that they appear in my "hits available to you" list, he does not add the proper qualifications for them, I have tens of his hits in my list and I can't do any; and that's not all, oh no, some hits I just go to view them and they tell me I can't do them, fine, but some tell me I need to accept the HIT before I can start, and after accepting bang, I get the "you can't work on this HIT" message.. and that's how my abandon rate goes up..

    I keep complaining reporting his HITs as broken, I complained to him, I complained to support.. all I get is "we'll talk to him" replies.. This is the last reply I got:

    Hello Orosanu,

    I have acknowledged your previous email and as per Kevin p, we have notified the requester CrowdFlower of the problem and asked them to rectify their filter settings. As this is an issue with the requester, we can only hope that they will see the problem soon. Following this we hope that they will rectify the problem and allow you to work on the hits soon.

    Thank you for your continued patience on this matter and wish you well for the future.

    They know this is an issue with him, other people have been complaining, they probably noticed it themselves, and what are they doing? They... are... hoping, is support really 100% useless?

    When I got scammed by a requester and I got loads of my HITs rejected lowering my approval rate under 80%, again I contacted support and got nothing, It is 100% legal to scam people in Mturk... I don't even care about the damn hits, they payed 0.05, but the guy ruined my account basically... but no, no help from the support guys, no help whatsoever..
  2. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Crowd Flower has a horrible reputation among turkers. Don't bother with their hits.
  3. acustic

    acustic User

    I don't, believe me, I don't, but they are in my list, so many of them, I just want them gone...
  4. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Yeah I have noticed that too. Sometimes they just eat up your load time and make you miss a good paying hit.

    And I have noticed that the block requester script doesn't function smoothly on firefox. Too many hiccups.
  5. Danthony

    Danthony User

    get a tourist visa to the USA
    Then start a house painting business
    Work the summer and then go home
    Or apply as a life gaurd at a summer resort. They will pay your ticket and give you housing and meals
  6. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User


    That doesn't help. His account will still be registered as Romanian location irrespective of his real time location.
  7. emmy

    emmy User

    everyone hates them
    CrowrdFlower SUCKS
  8. acustic

    acustic User

    I found available jobs from them recently, but the ones available are too much work for too little pay, I did some research on crowdflower, it seems they have a website, companies come to them to get jobs done, even big companies like microsoft and whatnot... then they take the job and split it in pieces and post it on mturk for pennies, then resell the end product to the companies..
  9. zinni

    zinni User

    "Friends don't let friends do CrowdFlower hits."

    "This is your brain on CrowdFlower." (Eggs sizzling.)
  10. buckisaa

    buckisaa User


    As they changed name from Dolores Labs to CrowdFlower. Now they have to change it CrowdFlower to Slavery.inc.... Ridiculously low rates for HIT. We need union to show them their real place , as they earning huge money from our hard work.

    Vote if you agree with me :(

    Waiting for reply.


  11. Took me about a month to finally realize what Mturk really was about!! :D

    Kudos Your one of a dying few who actully get it :D
  12. Not to play the devils advocate here.. But If you dont agree with the pay then dont do the hits??

    Its an open market Free Trade all that bullshit .. yada yada yada.. the end choice is yours to acccept the job or not.. Sure the pay sucks the hit sucks.. LIFE SUCKS! Holy ..

    Skip the hit move on find something else? WORK AT MC DONALDS!

    Slave for 7.25$ an hour and then come back to mturk and tell us all how bad the prices and pay and hits suck..

    Im sorry to be a dick but FFS every other post is the hits suck the hits dont pay the hits this the hits that.. THEN GET A F'KING JOB!

    GOD....YES the hits SUCK the pay SUCKS everything about MTURK SUCKS! But we do this so we DONT have to slave for 7.25 an hour back breaking work doing stupid jobs we all HATE wanting to die at the end of the day..

    Blah.. I get it.. but jesus STFU already how many posts need to be the same thing complaning bullshit..

    End of anger issues.....
  13. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    I do agree, I'd join to a union.
    Such requesters, with their ridiculous low rates, trait us as slaves on plantation!
    Obviously we only have the option to not work for them filling out their pockets.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2012
  14. Noliah

    Noliah User

    I have no doubt that they have weekly contests to see who can get Turkers to do the most for the least pay. Bonuses are handed out. They are laughing their asses off.

    Just MHO.
  15. Slicer

    Slicer User

    You can't make anywhere near $7.25 an hour on Crowdflower HITs (at least not on a regular basis), and I dare you to try.
  16. Gehm

    Gehm New Member

    I'm having exactly the same problem as acustic... They let me do some HITS and then suddenly tell me (after only 2 or 3) that I have done all HITS available to me. However, the HIT is still accepted and I have to return it. I assume that many returned HITS are not all that good, right? I found some tasks that I would like to do, but I probably should just avoid this requester in the future...
  17. Gehm

    Gehm New Member

    The fact that I can't do many HITS from them has to do with where I am from then?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2012
  18. Floridian

    Floridian Member

    Dolores Labs, CrowdFlower, whatever name they wish to use at the time, are a complete waste of time and effort. There is no reason to even bother with them for any reason whatsoever. Bottom line.........they are just downright bad news.
  19. sudesh

    sudesh User

    yes,crowdflower becoming very low paid per hit.So we stand union and fight against thems
  20. Grimtock

    Grimtock User

    I've never had a problem with the Crowd Flower hits.

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