Hits showing that you already completed

Discussion in 'General' started by aronga, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. aronga

    aronga Member

    Does anyone else have hits show up on the available list which they have already completed and thus they are no longer available if you try to do them?
  2. SuzyQ

    SuzyQ User


    I guess there is a way to track those who accept the hit so you can't do it again. And although there may be "one hit" available, it's "one hit" for one person, with multiple people being able to accept it.
  3. kire_koste

    kire_koste Member

    Yes that is casual I must say. i finished the Hit and its there once more time the same hit. When I try to enter I can't!
  4. Xombicide

    Xombicide Active Member

    You know, I haven't had this happen to me that I know of. I'll have to keep an eye on this...
  5. keeping

    keeping Member

    yes, there are a bunch of them. if you have done them before, they wont let you accept again.
  6. jbyuill

    jbyuill Member

    yes. sometimes they do not clear out from the list
  7. gman9976

    gman9976 Member

    Yes I have seen that before>sometimes you do not know if you did one already.Any way that can be addressed?
  8. miklb

    miklb Member

    This is yet to happen to me..
  9. Ashallond

    Ashallond Member

    happens to me. and then some that I KNOW I haven't done yet....it says I can't do them
  10. pegandoc

    pegandoc Member

    Yes this happened to me too. It's hard keeping track of every hit esp. if you had a good day.
  11. DeidresWAH

    DeidresWAH Member


    I get all excited for another identical hit to become available and then get denied.

  12. sanjha

    sanjha Member

    many a times this happens. When you try to preview or accept a hit, it say the hit is no longer available. I dont know why this happens.

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