Hi I have posted HIT (Dialogue Tagging)

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by jpak3, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. jpak3

    jpak3 New Member

    Hi all,

    I just posted HIT for dialogue tagging.
    After reading online chatting messages, you need to insert a tag for each message and identify message ID that each message replies/refers/responds to.
    It is .50 cents. I will create more batches soon.
  2. Vercross

    Vercross User

    Perhaps you could provide a link, or some information.
  3. jpak3

    jpak3 New Member

    Oops! Since I am new to Mturk, I am still working on improving HIT contents and layouts.
    This HIT is to collect annotated data for research.
    Using pre-defined dialogue tags, workers need to select a tag and then identify who is replying to whom by reading chatting messages.
    I don't think I can insert URL in my message. You can search 'Jinie'
    The HIT requires the categorization master qualification.
  4. afleishman

    afleishman Member

    easy, thanks

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