Hey all! Rob here! Nice to be here!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by RWStein, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Hey Everyone:

    Been meaning to put an introduction post up but was so busy getting my first ten days done so I could start getting paid, getting the Mozilla add-ons, learning the ropes of mTurk, TurkOpticon and the usual big requesters such as CrowdFlower and CrowdSource that I hadn't had the time.

    I'm loving it. Yeah - not making a lot of money yet. Probably never will. But I am getting quicker and wiser and it is largely due to the advice I have scraped from this forum. I've been going about 15 days now and have made a little over $60.00. Not bad, but not great. The first couple of days were rough. A lot of long work with tiny results as I had no idea what I was doing or what was available. The next few days after installing the Mozzila add-ons, including TO, went much better. I began to find consistent and good requesters and established a good accuracy with CF and CS.

    I've done tasks for and gotten qualifications for writing, editing, image tagging, transcribing, etc. I'm at almost 800 HITs approved and trying very hard to get to 1000 when a lot more consistent and better paying HITs become available. I've been able to keep my Approval at 99.9%. I have had 2 rejects. One my first day by a VERY bad requester. Won't happen again thanks to TO! God! Bless those guys who came up with that! And the other reject I got yesterday and it was totally bogus but the requester, CF, is sticking by their guns - oh well. Gonna get them every now and again.

    Just wanted to say thanks again for all of your help and for this forum in general! I'm not sure I would have figured it all out without you all! I am hoping to squeeze some time in everyday to return the favor to other new mTurkers so they don't fall into the same holes I did. (eg. first day worked 8 hours and made $2.01 as compared to Monday when I worked just on and off for a few hours and made over $13.00 and did work I enjoyed!)

    Hope to chat with all of you soon!
  2. Welcome to the forum! There is plenty of knowledge here that will definitely help you along. May your rejections be small and your approvals abundant! =]
  3. Welcome to the forum Rob. Lots of great information here and loads of people who are usually more than happy to help out! Happy Turking!
  4. writermom

    writermom Active Member

    Hi Rob, and welcome! Hope you find many more great HITs. Happy turking!
  5. Carol

    Carol Member

    Welcome to the forum Rob!
  6. Yay :D Welcome !
  7. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Welcome to the forum Rob! :)

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