Hello Hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by PandaBong, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. PandaBong

    PandaBong User

    Hi everyone I thought I should probably drop by and introduce myself to everybody. I'm your day to day college student trying to juggle classes and work to pay my tuition. I suppose I'm also an avid "recreationist" so I'm always looking for new ways to supplement my income. I joined this forum after realizing how much money everyone here helped me to make on mTurk. I just couldn't stay a lurker forever xD. Hopefully I'll be seeing all of you around and I'll do my best to contribute to this wonderful community.

    Best regards~
  2. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome, great to have you come out from behind the curtain.

    I'm a college student as well!
  3. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    high five for college students! Welcome! :D

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