Greetings fellow Turkers

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mundra, May 15, 2015.

  1. Mundra

    Mundra New Member


    I've been a member of Mturk about 4 years now and have been turking with all my might since early 2013.

    Tried to create an account here quite a few times but it never let me have one, always returned with error "your IP has been blocked" (never understood why though).

    Today I thought, let me give it another shot and BINGO, here I am.

    Well, it's been an amazing journey, though it was not always smooth. As I am from India, many a times there was no jobs and had to wait hours for something good to show up. (was never too keen to do all those p9r, Oscar or Jon Brelig hits cause I could hardly make $2/hour). I was cautious in the beginning (still I'm) and afraid of getting my account blocked, so never tried anything fancy. I had no idea whatsoever about PANDA, turkopticon, how to find greats hits or how to use all those scripts but slowly I started leaning and now over 300k hits down with 100% approval rate. Have all three masters and some real lucrative special qual :D

    Thanks to all who contributed in this forum and helped me immensely to learn many things. Looking forward to learn more and I would be glad if I could contribute some value my side.

    Happy turking~!~
  2. LHFromCA

    LHFromCA New Member

    Hi, I am brand new to turking and I cannot find an answer in the shlogs of stickies everywhere in here to what is probably an extremely basic question for someone doing it for 4 years. I just completed my first hit and it was an aptitude/intelligence questionnaire. At the end it gives a confirmation code which I have but I do not know, for the life of me, where I am supposed to put this code so I can get paid. SOS!
  3. twirdman

    twirdman User

    OK so I'm guessing this was a survey and the survey was done on an external site. If so go back to the hit on mturk and you should see a box that ask for the confirmation code paste it there and submit hit. If you happened to have closed the window that you opened the hit in go back to the amazon site click on hits then click on hits assigned to you the hit you've done should be in there. Simply click continue hit and paste the code and submit.

    Also welcome to mturk hope you enjoy it
  4. LHFromCA

    LHFromCA New Member

    Thanks. I thought I'd make sure and answer back to any helpful replies here. I figured it out. I'm doing ok now. Trying to make about $10 a day to pay lease on car and the taxes. So far I've made about $11.43 with about 5 hits waiting. I've got a long ways to go. But it's pretty cool to be making any money this way and if I can get more time in and make my goal it will probably beat taking a second job in some pizza place. Thanks again for your help. Mucho appreciated!

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