Garth Gehlbach- paid

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by 2muchTurkin, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Just noticed all the hits I did for this guy paid. They were them find a video for highschoolers hits 32 cents each.. woohoo for them getting approved cause I did like $85 worth. =]

    btw he just posed a bunch more hits. just got the alert
  2. rock turker

    rock turker Active Member

    Thanks for the information, quite helpful to grab it.
    Happy turking
  3. me too!! im attacking his new batch!
  4. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I'm not a student anymore, and graduated before 2007. How should I approach doing these? should I lie about this, or should I just avoid them?
  5. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    How long were you doing these to get $85 in? LOL

  6. there is a drop box that says graduated before 2007
  7. chaos

    chaos User

    There's an option on the drop down for graduated before 2007, so choose that...

    I'm not sure what the requester is going for with asking about if we are in high school though, pretty sure you have to be 18 to have an MTurk account... so either he's looking for those really dumb people that are stuck in high school into their 20s, or he's not sure what the age restriction is for mTurk.

    I guess I fit the description either way, it just says "students" in the title, not high school students. I'm a grad student, so technically I fall into that category.
  8. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Does anyone know if you have to watch the whole video, or if you are allowed to make a decision in 1-2 minutes.
  9. chaos

    chaos User

    Was wondering the same thing. I've been trying to go all the way to the end of the video just in case, but a couple times the vid was long and I felt like I had seen enough to make a judgement.
  10. How quickly did he approve?
  11. mine took 3 days
  12. Thank you:)
  13. they are boring though just so ya know lol
  14. 3 days is all
  15. awww all gone =[

    Still $8 left to go to reach my $30 goal.. I was hoping to ride these out to it. bummers
  16. I had to leave so I only got 10 of them.
  17. bluejeanith

    bluejeanith New Member

    I just got blocked by him. Amazon notified me that I've been blocked. I have no idea what went wrong. I made sure to watch the videos and chose the ones that were educational. I contacted him about it. I'm still really sad and disappointed that he thought my videos were not up to par. I thought I did everything correctly. I posted the URL and included how long the videos were. I am just really bummed.

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