exclusive question for RIAZAM2006

Discussion in 'General' started by shreyas, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. shreyas

    shreyas User

    hi riaz, i have been following your posts on oscar smith. i started doing his hits 4 to 5 months back. i might have done some 250 of his hits. but seeing my quality score not increasing i stopped doing hits a month ago. my current score is 71. i want you to guide to get my score to 90. i might be expecting a lot from you but it will be better if you provide the minute details of entering accurate data for each field. i can just say tnx for ur help!
  2. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    I know the solution for your problem. Since the question is exclusively for the person mentioned, I will let him answer it.
  3. acustic

    acustic User

    why not just PM him if it's only for him to answer...
  4. shreyas

    shreyas User

    well sory guys, noth.ing personal. i thought he might have more experience since he has worked for long time and communicated a lot with oscar. i didnt pm him because i dont know whether he accessed it regularly and i wanted a quick reply. so taking my words back i am mroe than happy to receive help from others if it benefits me.
  5. IndianBossy

    IndianBossy Active Member

    You don't need experience to contact any requestor. U can anytime contact him and ask advice to work better. Guys like Oscar will surely respond to your queries. I am not doing his HITs now because i am bit busy with other hits.

    For more quality score, never type anything in wrong box, don't leave anything blank which is there in card. Even typing words like case sensitive will get u more score. Try these and if ur score not increase with these steps contact Oscar so that he can clarify ur doubts and ur past mistakes.
  6. OK Bro... go thru this posts... if you have more doubts ask here

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