Do you do the really lowpaying hits?

Discussion in 'General' started by zietgeist, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. zietgeist

    zietgeist Member

    At first I thought, "wow if I do a lot of the low paying hits, I could make a lot!" then I soon realized that doing the low paying hits take forever.. especially if it's like .01 per hit.
  2. bdlee73

    bdlee73 Member

    I'll do a lowpaying hit if it's quick. For example, I like to do the "ask 500 people" hits as they only take a few seconds each- plus they are fun! My overall philosophy is that it all adds up.
  3. cubbykatz

    cubbykatz Member

    Some of the low paying hits are fine and will add up. Then you have others from people who want you to do several hours work for one cent. I like the "Are These Locations The Same?" hits, those are only for a penny but they're very quick to do.
  4. want2teach11

    want2teach11 Member

    I do a lot of the 1 cent and 5 cent HITS. Even though they do not pay a lot, they are generally very quick to complete and it is easy to do a lot of them. If you just have a minute to get on mTurk, you could probably complete 10 1 cent tasks, and you have 10 cents. Eventually that number rises.
  5. slaphead

    slaphead Member

    I do the 1c hits if they are as quick as ticking boxes. The moderate images are quite fun, but they get plucked up pretty quick. Anything where I have to go to a website then I start to question whether it is worth my time, but all depends how bored I am.
  6. kire_koste

    kire_koste Member

    If it is quick I will made it, but if the Hit ask from me to write 500 words article for 0.25 I am sure that I will skip that hit.
  7. Darthx1999

    Darthx1999 Member

    I get bored really easily so I skip the ones below 10 cents since are so damn repetitive, but since I want to buy some extra stuff, I'll start doing them.
  8. sandeshmini

    sandeshmini Member

    if they are quick to finish out , i always do low paying hits
  9. schow1

    schow1 Member

    It depends. If the HIT is really easy, like just hitting a few buttons, I would go for it. But most of the time, I don't bother.
  10. josh

    josh Member

    I do the 4-5 cent ones if they are real quick and ther's nothing better to do.

    I'll do the lower than that ones if it's interesting.
  11. Christi

    Christi Member

    I do the low paying hits if they are quick to complete. I've been surprised by a few of them (the amount of work they are expecting done for just a few pennies).
  12. Mturkerathome

    Mturkerathome Member

    I tried to veto the $0.01 HITs out of pride...but I ended up doing them anyways.
  13. Shego

    Shego User

    As long as there is only 1 task per hit and it involves one click, I will do the cheap hits that only take a second. I will not, however do a cheap hit if I have to type anything, or if there is more than one click per penny paid. For example, if the hit pays .02, but you have 5 sets of tasks to complete, per hit, then I won't do it no matter how fast it goes.
  14. ergo

    ergo User

    There's one requester, I can't remember their name, who posts scans from newspapers and wants people to type up the text. 1 cent for something like 30-50 words. If people wouldn't do them, perhaps the requester would raise the price or stop using MTurk. Personally, I'd be happy to see them leave.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2009
  15. nospam33

    nospam33 Member

    I emailed that requester and they told me they couldn't afford to offer more because of having to pay mturk their cut too and that people were doing them for .01 and they were getting quality work back, so... whatever.
  16. ergo

    ergo User

    Sheesh. Amazon's "cut" for HITs from 1 cent to 5 cents is $0.005. That's right, half a cent. They could pay workers 5 cents for those HITs and the fee would be exactly the same: 50 cents per hundred HITs. At 4-5 cents a HIT, I might consider working for them, but only because I can type pretty fast when I want to.

    If they're really that hard up for money, they should just run these articles through decent OCR software, which will get things 90-95% correct, then spend a little time proofreading the results.

    And now we know the real reason they only pay a cent. Oh well. I guess if other people feel these HITs are worth their time, then I shouldn't complain.
  17. Fthgrrl

    Fthgrrl Active Member

    I usually avoid the penny hits- most are too much work for one cent. I like the ones in the 5 cent range if they are simple and quick though.
  18. mischa

    mischa User

    can anyone tell me why requestors don't offer these penny hits or other 'cheap' hits in batches of say, 5 or 10 instead of as onesies? it takes more time to accept, scroll down, click and submit than the task itself takes (and it aggravates carpal tunnel with the repetition). do the requestors just like aiming for the top position by offering 50,000 penny hits?

    on the same note, my pet peeve is 'cheap' hits that require you to scroll down to submit when they could easily 'compress' the text to fit on the screen, if you know what i mean...
  19. ergo

    ergo User

    You mean instead of a penny HIT, post a nickel HIT with 5 tasks? That would be great, except that before long the requester will experiment with lowering the payout to 3 cents while keeping the 5 tasks, and people will still do it; then lower it again to 2 cents for 5 tasks, and people will still do it; finally, lower it to 1 cent for 5 tasks, and people will still do it. I'm not saying this to be pessimistic, just reporting what I've seen happen so many times.
  20. mischa

    mischa User

    that may be, but i thought there was a fee per task that requesters pay, and i don't know the rate but might they save money by grouping tasks [i.e. if the minimum fee is 1/2 cent per task or say 10% of the total - whichever is greatest - wouldn't the math favor them grouping the hits?]

    on a related note, i've been seeing some good academic research type hits lately which was what i had hoped turking was about when i signed up [only to be dismayed at all the marketing - that's what i wish they had a filter or sorter for but there'd be next to nothing left] anyways, the 'batch' method would seem to have a lot of advantages over the onesies for their purposes. [accept the batch and then perform the tasks w/o the rush to 'grab' them, allowing for more conscientious effort...] i only mention it because i wish amazon/ mturk would actively pursue these requesters and i would want them to get valid results.

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