Crowdsource Top Tier Writing Hits

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by jbird7, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. glitter

    glitter Active Member

    Hooray! I finished my 25. Now just waiting on approval. :)

    Anyone else?
  2. Me too! I did 26 just in case. :) I am still waiting on approval for something like 18 of them though. I may need to contact them on some from last week still. It may be a bit before I actually see the money, I guess.
  3. TurtleTape

    TurtleTape User

    Aha! It's been a crazy couple of days. Saturday my payments account was suspended, Sunday it was fixed, and now today my first TT article was accepted with no complaints listed. I think I could dance.
  4. mischa

    mischa User

    Glad they got your account issue straightened out quickly. (I've dealt with that in the past too) My internet was down over the weekend, so I caught up with a month's backlog of house and yard cleaning. I kept thinking how much easier it would be to write rather than do manual labor. But I guarantee my brain needed the break.
  5. Frisbez

    Frisbez Active Member

    Got my second (of 8 so far) articles approved, same notes about minor AP grammar issues, probably my love for the Oxford Comma. Also had my first Article Callout approved, with no notes. I just hope they start approving a bit faster, I made much less per hour doing normal hits, but they approved much faster etc etc.
  6. selenora

    selenora User

    Well then.

    /kicks pebble.
  7. mturk girl

    mturk girl User

    So.. Sorry if this question has already been answered 834354 times.. But I can't find the answer.. I have NO idea WHERE to take the "top tier writing" qualification test for them!!

    Do they post the chance to take this test as a hit or something, and I just have to wait until they do this again? (that is what I've come to assume, but I just want to make sure) I have a "crowdsource worker profile" and I do the hits available to me (which are url rank/search hits).
  8. BadWolf1

    BadWolf1 User

    When they open it up for new writers, they post it as a 0.00 hit rather than a Qual. When I did it, they gave a $10 bonus, so you still got paid - I'm pretty sure they are still offering that bonus. Right now, I only see their Content Editing test show up when I sort by reward amount. I took that one recently but haven't heard back yet - I think I stunk at it. We'll see. I felt I had to take the test because there is soooo much pending right now from Crowdsource, it's my civic Turking duty to help clear the queue, lol...
  9. mturk girl

    mturk girl User

    Thanks for the response.. But when do they post these hits? I don't see one for anything other than what you mentioned.. I actually have grader qualification with them from when I took the grader qualification test, the pay was $2.00 for the test.. But I don't see any hits relevant to "grading" that are available to me.. So I don't get what the point of that was..
  10. glitter

    glitter Active Member

    There are multiple types of grading qualifications. In order to grade every type of writing without any limits, you have to be Top Tier Grading Trusted Level. There's also the Junior Content Grading qual. Right now, I only see jobs for TT Grading, and they seem to be working.
  11. BadWolf1

    BadWolf1 User

    I don't believe there's a set time they post the test/hit, but it generally is driven by their deadlines to their clients. If you keep an eye on the Great Hits thread, people occasionally post it when they see it come up. The next time I come across it, I'll post on this thread as well. I think I also took the grading test with them, but I don't remember. Crowdsource issues a buttload of quals, and I'm not sure I've even used 75% of them. Good luck!
  12. pieper

    pieper User

    That is interesting...I never got these notifications, even with the qualification.
  13. pieper

    pieper User

    I didn't know was their site. Could have been a good resource had they bothered to mention it. Yes, I am in a funk about them right now...I think I have the serial comma syndrome which I learned in English 101 in grade school. It was the dark ages you know... :)
  14. Granny56

    Granny56 User

    This was posted on another forum. Crowdsource does not post here even though they have been asked.
  15. pieper

    pieper User

    Hmmmm, makes one wonder...thanks for the info.
  16. mischa

    mischa User

    I don't belong to any of the forums CS directly communicates with either. Oh well, more time left to write and earn... (I can't remember the last time I checked an email alert from CS either, unless it looks like an actual message instead of an alert about hits posted).

    BTW, does anybody know how long this flurry of work is going to last? Originally, I thought the project was intended to extend 1 to 2 years -- but this pace seems much faster (even if the volume of work is in the millions of dollars, which I thought was the original estimate)
  17. Granny56

    Granny56 User

    Yeah, when I got my TT qualification they said 1 - 2 years worth of work. They claim they will always have work up for the writers to do. Altho some of the topics are not what I want to research. They have been pushing the callouts right now - apparently must have a backlog of them. That's what I have been working on - they are easy to do for $2, so I can get more of these out than articles anyway. Hope it keeps up!
  18. TurtleTape

    TurtleTape User

    Nooo, I got eight or so articles approved with no comments, then two back to back, one because I missed something on my research and one because of commas. Bah, darn commas, I'm so bad at them.
  19. These don't come through my email - she posts almost daily on another forum. I just thought I'd pass along info that seems important.
  20. From CS: Good morning, team!

    This Friday, February 22nd, we will be holding an Editor Hour at 3PM CST. This live chat will be a great opportunity to ask any questions and have them answered right away. This is also a wonderful opportunity for beginners to learn a lot of information! We will be holding the chat at,

    If you have any questions please let me know. I hope to see all of you there!

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