CrowdFlower / Dolores Labs Writing / Grammar Skills Qualifier

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Khalinov, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    This is up right now, titled “Writing and Grammar Skills Test: Complete this to be considered for Future High-Paying Writing Jobs.”

    50¢, 130+ available. It is a 5 page test on English grammar and spelling. You will be asked to provide a 300+ character writing sample on some subject. They are also asking for a contact email.
  2. will not be available for Indians.
  3. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

  4. yes that is correct... Quality none, but they have a hidden location qualification checking.
  5. I get this message when going to that HIT

  6. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    That’s dirty. If they are going to place a geographic qualification, they should man up and make it publicly viewable.
  7. yes you are right, but they are not doing that...
  8. D.El

    D.El Member

    Just use Tor, a VPN or any other Proxy. They'll still approve your hits as long as you complete them.
    I've been using Tor like this for weeks now and have yet to hear any complaints. Any hits I've done for them were approved and paid-for in 48 hours or less.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2012
  9. I am in a mind that I am not to do that type of things, let it come as it. The HITs I will get will be the HITs that I can do. :)
  10. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    They have begun approving these qualifying HITs and emailing people. Search for "Help us rate" to see what the qualifications get you access to.

    These HITs look like the typical subjective BS CrowdFlower is famous for - i.e., “Give us your opinion” and then we reject you because your opinion doesn’t match what we have already predetermined it should be.

    All I can say is... at least I got 50¢ for the qual.
  11. Danthony

    Danthony User

    The heck with them.
    They dont pay anything worth my time the way it is now
  12. D.El

    D.El Member

    I am in a mind that CrowdFlower or DoloresLabs (Fun Fact: dolores=pain in Latin) or whatever they like to call themselves nowadays, honestly doesn't give two sh*ts. If they honestly didn't want you completing a HIT they would mark it US-only , which for the most part they DO.
    Most of their hits are privately submitted by paying costumers directly from their website using their automated template. Most of those people have either never heard of MTurk or simply lack the technical expertise of submitting a custom HIT themselves.

    Honestly, their only saving grace is that they always approve and pay you for any HITs you manage to submit to them.

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