Can't Find Great HITs? 12/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ChrisM77, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. Tongue73

    Tongue73 User

    When i search the android store, i cant find it. Maybe its not compatible with a Evo 3D?
  2. Nimbus

    Nimbus User

  3. advocation

    advocation User

    I had the same issue with it and had to return.
  4. Thanks so much for reposting. I've had a slow morning.
  5. paulstead

    paulstead User

    How's everyone done so far today?
  6. Don't feel bad... I did the same :(
  7. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Same here, willing to bet it was the same one
  8. i got bumped off of one in less than 10 hits one time. i was obviously right 80% of the time. this one is workin out tho... 30 hits and only 1 test answer wrong
  9. JPost

    JPost User

    We all got tricked. They just wanted us to do all of them and then end on that one.
  10. I don't know wassup with CF..they banned me from their adult hits even though they are the ones who got most of the questions wrong. One of the dudes had his penis completely OUT and QC insisted that i should have put "photo okay." I don't care if it was was still OUT. smh
  11. JPost

    JPost User

    It's not in the store. He released the link to it awhile back.
  12. Ahh...i've done better. It was a little slow today.
  13. amoreno

    amoreno User

    ditto the start survey button isnt working
  14. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    actually, i got that one after a few tries... first letter is not a T... they get worse...

    also, can columbia's server be any slower?!
  15. You guys made me chuckle, sorry I should have siad fifty cent the rapper. If crowd flower really had those kinds instead of me complaining I would be begging them to let me do them. Heck I would even work with their qc people just to be on their good side.
  16. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    $3 HIT had to return which looks to be a common theme lol. Got the first screen then it closed. couldnt reopen said I did it before. whatever. $3 wouldnt have my day anyway may as well be int he hole completely lol
  17. dat fitty cent
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    *nvm, probably shouldn't mention...*
  19. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    yup same here...i wanted that 3 bucks dammit
  20. I see Qualtrics is having its afternoon nap.
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