Can't Find Good HITs? 9/7

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 7, 2012.

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  1. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Good Morning Turkers!!!

    Well.. Running a bit late this morning - had to do family stuff, but ya'll know how that is!

    Gonna be a GREAT day! AMT is already over 272k HITs! So let's do this!

    Today's goal (arbitrary) is again $25.oo ;)

    For those who have signed up for the group - please send your suggestions, recommendations on how we should proceed. I'm gonna try to spend some time on that today. I've got at least a couple hours of L1oNBRIDGE work I HAVE to do so I'll be in and out a bit, but I WILL! hit goal today! Please remember I am always on AIM or you can PM me if you have any questions or need help! Please PM or AIM me with anything particularly of interest because as I said, I will be in and out today and don't want to miss your comments!

    Lurkers! Don't forget to Please! register and contribute! the more HITs shared the easier to reach goal!

    So, let's go "Make That Money!!!"

  2. RWStein

    RWStein User

  3. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012
  4. petegq

    petegq User

  5. The Dezz

    The Dezz Active Member

    Same here. I always skip them since I am not sure.
  6. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Look at the Wiki awards... Drag the ones that are of a similar category to the green box. Label the list with a NEW award name that encompasses all of the ones listed. You can drag and drop between groups. Create as many groups as you see fit but each group has to have at least two. Took me a minute to get it but over all less than 5 minutes at $0.65.
  7. PandaBong

    PandaBong User

    Search Celia Moore - ~7 minute survey for .50 and up to a 1.50 bonus
  8. Search Kadir Atalay : study about saving behavior. $1.50
  9. RWStein

    RWStein User

    "Gotta Make That Money!" - But Not As A Slave!


    Forgot to mention that we are working to find HITs that pay AT LEAST $0.10 per minute or $6.00 per hour...

    The exception would be GOOD batch HITs that you can just drum out for a good requester to make "decent" money but more importantly get your numbers up!

    Let's not give requesters a reason to keep providing rewards that are sub par by providing exceptional work at cut rates. That doesn't help us in the long run! Plenty of bait in the pond! Let's find the juicy worms! :cool:
  10. petegq

    petegq User

  11. PandaBong

    PandaBong User

    Search Justin Jeter - 2 minute survey for .20
  12. Dexster

    Dexster User

    Well put!!! This makes so much sense especially when you take into consideration that we are SELLING our labor and should strive to perform great work thus command proper compensation commensurate( thanks spell check!) with the task.

    It amazes me how certain requesters post HITs at $1 or slightly more an hour and expect you to write the next Twilight novel or whatever else or perform tasks that they well know cost @least $15-20 if they hired an employee with overhead to do it.

    Minimum wage isn't too much ask for excellent work. Now I understand that to get to 1000HITs you may want to do certain tasks because I did them however after you've earn that badge up the ante.

    Oscar HITS though slave labor, I respect these because he doesn't reject and pays the same day and there are countries where maybe the cost of living is different from the U.S.A so at least it is fair to somebody somewhere. But I hear of .02c & .01c HITs with mass rejections and BLOCKS, "THAT DOES NOT MAKE CENTS".(Assuming of course that you have great performance and don't really deserve it).

    Know what you are worth and work accordingly when you work. That will make more QUALITY HITs with QUALITY pay for QUALITY workers more available!!!

    Just my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012
  13. RWStein

    RWStein User

  14. PandaBong

    PandaBong User

  15. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Great HIT!

    Nice HIT!

    Thank God! for task applications that I have to count tasks... I just clicked the +1 button every time I saw an 'e' to keep track instead of counting in my head! That could have been a fiasco! LOL ;)

    With the task application I did this in under 5 minutes... That's over $12.00 per hour! SWEET!
  16. Dexster

    Dexster User

    "Consumer Researcher" @ $1.00 Great TO rating overall.

    UPDATE*** Just finished this one. Didn't time myself however it was somewhat lengthy to me so be prepared if you take it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012
  17. pouletermo

    pouletermo Active Member

    First post, so hello everyone and well met!

    Did anyone get paid for the thousands of porn titles yet? I got a couple hundred of them done, and just had to quit lol. But not one has been paid yet...
  18. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Still waiting to get paid on my end... But NETMsi is known to be good!:)

    Glad to have you here! Please enjoy and go "Make That Money!"

    PM or AIM me if you need any help or have any questions... :D
  19. NetMSI always takes a few days to approve. They work a normal 9 - 5 day and they manually review every submission so when there's 12k to go through it takes some time.
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