Can't Find Good HITs? 9/6

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 6, 2012.

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  1. RWStein

    RWStein User

    I don't know about you 2muchTurkin but these CS HITs are wearing me thin... My articles are HUGE and even doing CNTRL+F they still are daunting. Most of the ones I get are huge articles that really do not voice a positive or negative sentiment but only state facts and I find myself reading the whole article to make sure there is nothing overtly positive or negative in the article.

    How are you doing them? Just a quick glance or are you reading to comprehend the articles?
  2. I scan the content around the keywords in the article until i am satisfied with what I deem it should be. I wasn't getting many longs ones. just a few were really long. The 10 centers I can still do so im back at them now. no more easy 7 centers for me=[
  3. RWStein

    RWStein User

    WOW! Over 320,000 HITs available now on mTurk!


    Now over 320k HITs available on mTurk... that was down to almost 100k just a couple days ago!

    Plenty of good stuff out there now!!! Let's rock! ;)

    "Gotta Make That Money!" :cool:

  4. Nada

    Nada New Member

  5. chaos

    chaos User

    It was actually down to 124,000 earlier today when I checked in from the office. Was shocked when I got home and saw that number had almost tripled.
  6. mattyay

    mattyay User

    Has anyone been approved or rejected on the porn hits? I don't want to do alot in case of rejection.
  7. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Make sure the titles do not resemble each other whatsoever. I got mass rejected because of it last week xD.
  8. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    as long as your headings are unique and not repetitive then you won't get rejected.
  9. PandaBong

    PandaBong User

    Search Team Online Research - 2 minute survey for .20
  10. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

  11. baskln

    baskln User

  12. ld1302

    ld1302 User

    I got approved for that HIT, but didn't get the qual >< I hope I get it soon before all the HITs are gone!
  13. baskln

    baskln User

    Given 2 Products, Which One is the Better Fit for the QUERY?

    These go pretty quick .08 a piece

    EDIT: Bah they cut me off after like 4.....
  14. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

  15. baskln

    baskln User

    Easy quick 1.00 survey

    Search for:

    Casey Newmeyer
  16. baskln

    baskln User

  17. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Ya'll are so awesome!

    Looks like ya'll made some serious money today! And, as usual, you all made this thread a resounding success! :cool:

    Sorry I didn't participate much today. Again, I was spending most of my time working on another vendors work... But I did get to just over $20.00 so far today and was invited by another requester to do some "special" work for them on mTurk due to my work quality. SWEET!!!:D

    I'm about to hit the hay here in a little bit but I just wanted to tell every one GREAT Turking! And GREAT HITs! No one has it better than us when it comes to finding the juicy work! ;)

    I'll restart a new thread as soon as I can in the morning! Until then keep Turking and keep posting those GREAT HITs cuz we "Gotta Make That Money!" And it looks like today some of you got to that $25.oo goal!!! YEAH!!!!! :cool:

    For those of you who joined the "Great Hits" group - we'll discuss more tomorrow and over the weekend how to proceed with that... Please email or PM me with any suggestions or ideas.

    G'Nite ya'll!
  18. Dexster

    Dexster User

    Lian-Booth @$1.00
  19. Swig5

    Swig5 User

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