Can't Find Good HITs? 9/14

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 14, 2012.


What Are Your Daily Earnings When You Work the Syestem?

  1. Less Than $5.oo.

  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

  6. $25.oo - $30.oo

  7. $30.oo - $40.oo

  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    0 vote(s)
  9. Greater Than $50.oo

  10. I'm a Turk Master and Make over $100.oo When I Work the System!

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  1. granit

    granit User

    I'm with chrome - too slow.
    I'm downloading a different browser to try it out.

    EDIT: Works!

    Actually I tried Chromium, not Chrome :)
  2. mattyay

    mattyay User

    Worked fine for me on chrome.
  3. Hopefully it'll work for you. It was pretty quick and fun when it worked. You could always try the standard browser troubleshooting of clearing your cache and cookies and restarting the browser to see if that will help.
  4. CMU - Vehicle Preference Survey
    $2 ~10 minutes
  5. granit

    granit User

    Submitted it with 15 seconds left on the clock! Phew that was close.
  6. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    Just logged in, haven't read ANY of this thread yet, but I found these on my front page, and they are easy for 0.05

    Play a game! Give your partner clues to guess a SECRET image.

    Requester: Research Tasks
  7. granit

    granit User

  8. jlmathis

    jlmathis User

    seems to kind of died lately. Any good batch hits worth recommending to get the numbers up!
  9. granit

    granit User

  10. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    No kidding. That survey needed a progress meter BADLY.

    Must be a day for computer glitchiness, the time I solved my stuff, I had less than 4 min left on the clock for that $9 hit. But it submitted fine, shows in my dash now. Yay!

    You can always figure this out on your own just by looking at the detail view on the original HIT. All HITs tell you not only what qual you need but what score on that qual. It said "30" right on the Giuly one.

    Speaking of the Giuly one, you guys, holy crow! I figured I'd hit it up again for maybe 50 more tonight (even with good TO, I just did about 80 with the dude for now) but...they're all gone! From nearly 7000 when I posted about it. Heh, we have some very active forum readers here on Stein's thread.
  11. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    HappyFish had an awesome little post about finding batch HITs in yesterday's version of this thread. Since granit has us all beat as far as being a survey-finding ace, I did exactly what HF said to find that 6000+ bulk batch that I suggested earlier today.

    I think if everyone makes that effort to do that kind of work themselves once in awhile, we'll all find about stuff faster and the work of combing through HITs will be more evenly distributed.

    Here's what HF said yesterday:

    Remember not to be afraid of looking at a HIT that is gray, meaning you don't qualify for it---maybe you can qual'd just by taking a test, as was true for today's Giuly HITs. So look into any interesting HITs to see what the real story is!

    ETA: As you'll notice, I didn't set a minimum pay rate while batch hunting...which is maybe why Giuly's stuff hasn't been talked about much before, since they were .01 HITs...but good ones. :)
  12. granit

    granit User

  13. mikey

    mikey User

    Glad I woke started turking early today. Yesterday I didn't start until after lunch and missed out on a lot of good hits. This is day 7 for me and has been the best day yet. This is first day over $20, in fact I am over $30 so far thanks to the UW discussion and the good surveys that popped up earlier. Thanks to everyone for sharing all the good hits on here.
  14. granit

    granit User

    Hey that's great!
    I'm having my best day so far as well, right now i'm at $39.00.
  15. granit

    granit User

  16. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    LOL, just noticed your sig!

    There was a big discussion about that HIT here on the forums (as I say, I read 'em when I started until my eyes were practically bleeding; so it was not a super-recent thread, I think). I recall that they want some real info from you and a picture?? So some other posters were pretty annoyed about it, though it does sound like the guy pays if you do what he asks.
  17. granit

    granit User

  18. granit

    granit User

    I didn't try to do it, I only do very few writing and reviews.
    Not my strong side.

    Now I just need to find a picture of Jamie :p
  19. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Yes, because you're the strong and silent type. A, rock. ;)

    You will be so cute together!!
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