Can't Find Good HITs? 12/26

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by mturk4444, Dec 25, 2012.

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  1. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    You should wait till its 3am on west coast also Mturk is based out of the west coast and thats when the new mturk day starts.
  2. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    This early thread confused me
  3. mturk4444

    mturk4444 User

    Sorry, no clue it went by west coast time.
  4. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    Your future thread starting duties will start at 3AM EST.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2012
  5. BeerMe

    BeerMe User

    3am est...
  6. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    How many can you accept at a time if you have masters qual?
  7. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    My mind typed that but my fingers went a different direction.
  8. Gilly

    Gilly User

    Not much going on, I'm working on these they're not to bad
    Title: Topic Relevance for Articles
    Requester: CrowdFlower [A2IR7ETVOIULZU] (TO)
    Description: In this job, we need you to score the relevance of an article with respect to a given topic. The rule of thumb here is to ask yourself what the article is about. If the Suggested Topic isn't one of the first things that you would say, it <i>cannot</i> be Very Relevant.
    Reward: $0.08
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  9. My work is not perfect enough for crowd for passing training mode??
  10. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Remove your brain to get a feel for their QC
  11. jeli0babi

    jeli0babi User

    ÙÃâ€_Ø_اتÙ_Ù†Ø_ÙÃâ€_اÙÃâ€_ Ùâ€_طرØ_Ø© 2013 Wedding dresses embroidered @ اغنÙ_Ø© واØ_Ùâ€_ اÙâ€_بدرانÙ_ Ù_ا ظاÙâ€_Ùâ€_ 2013 بدونØ_Ùâ€_ÙˆÙâ€_ @ اشÙ_Ùƒ اكØ_Ø_وارات ناØ_Ùâ€_Ù‡ 2013 stylish accessories @ كوÙâ€_Ù_كشنØ_طور Ùâ€_Ùâ€_بÙÃ

    yea this was one of them
  12. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    How quick are you doing these?
  13. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User


  14. Im literally laughing out loud...thats..exactly what i mean...if it knows the answer ..why the hell is it asking me....LOL
  15. mturk4444

    mturk4444 User

    I got them wrong and I read the paragraphs!! Isn't this based on opinion, how can it be "wrong"? Seems CrowdFlower is picky or is that just me?
  16. When I see the "HITs available now" counter so low, it feels like we are finally winning. Then I look for something to do, and I laugh at my own stupidity.
  17. Gilly

    Gilly User

    Its taking me a little over a minute, I'm sure I could do it quicker but I'm tired lol. I know there QC sucks but so far I'm still at a 81% and haven't been cut off. I'm just scanning the article to see if it's relevant, if it's one with a ton of symbols and randomness I put not relevant
  18. Gilly

    Gilly User

    ... and now I'm cut off when I dropped bellow 70% haha! Oh well wasn't doing anything else anyways and I was able to get 12 of them in.
  19. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    i think at this point with whats left im better off going to bed. Goodnight turkers see ya tomorrow!
  20. Gilly

    Gilly User

    Don't know if you guys have done this but it literally takes like 1 min

    Requester: Lupyan Lab
    Title: Couple simple questions about which way some shapes are pointing

    Sorry no link I already took it
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