Can't Find Good HITs? 12/25

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 25, 2012.

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  1. er111a

    er111a User

    Hmmm can't do them any way xD
  2. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    That's the first time I've ever caught them! Happy to get an easy 100+ approvals to chip away at that rejection rate.
  3. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Seriously dude? Just stop... you're making an ass out of yourself
  4. er111a

    er111a User

    What do you mean caught them? and my approval rating is 99% :3
  5. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

  6. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    this reminds me of that picture of a dog with a guy's face shopped in. all of my nightmares...
  7. Rawrtin

    Rawrtin User

    You should really be made into a mod Cowfin.

  8. rjsv58

    rjsv58 User

    Columbia Basin College
    PEC 249
    Theory of Golf • 2 Credits

    Most boring class ever?
  9. er111a

    er111a User

    Reward: $0.00
    Why would someone do work for free? I see these a lot it seems xD
  10. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Lolll and it's a 2 credit... at least a class like that should only be 1, or even half!
  11. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Yeah this is odd. I think there's a few options.

    1- Typo
    2- Terrible requester, but someone might do them to get #s up if they approve?.. doubtful
    3- It looks like they pay 0, but if you actually do them, you get paid via bonus or something else.

    I think 3 is the most likely, because those rohitzoid hits are always on the front page and the pay 0.00 but they need a qual, and that requester's TO is filled with great reviews. Those people are getting paid somehow!
  12. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I need to either find or make a better one, but I'm busy sorting out a mess right now. I posted some HITs earlier and had to reject some that absolutely didn't follow directions (It was a private HIT, and other people did it) I want to overturn them, but I can't get it to work.

    The requester side is a mess. The system they use just doesn't make sense.
  13. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Aww, thanks! I just don't like seeing people go at each other on here, I try to keep it clean as best as I can.
  14. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Mind giving anymore details on this? I'm kinda curious
  15. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    How did cow learn to swim?
  16. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Hey cowfin your PM box is full. Do some cleaning!
  17. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    It's really difficult to post a batch of HITs. I had to go through and add 500 HITs, one at a time. It's also hard to go through and find results this way, because although workers see it as a batch, it shows up as 500 different batches.

    I had a hard time setting up the private qual, which is another reason why the rejects happened.

    Now that I wan't to overturn them, I have to go through each of the 500 HITs to find the ones I rejected, the HIT IDs, and the worker IDs.

    I have definitely grown a huge respect for requesters now.
  18. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Send it again. :)
  19. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I will never reveal my ways.
  20. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    What is that other thing that you added in the water there
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