Can't Find Good HITs? 12/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Weezy, Dec 23, 2012.

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  1. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    I mark equivalent more than totally different
  2. gogoboots

    gogoboots User

    Yeah I'm seeing an occasional Equivalent as well...
  3. magnetlink

    magnetlink User

    thanks muchly. I'm probably going to spring for 2 or 3 GPUs so I can mine some bitcoins when not playing. but until then, back to turking. lol
  4. jeli0babi

    jeli0babi User

    Come back course atlas! I love you!
  5. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    :( No more course atlas and I only got about 600...still good money but :(
  6. flyingpenguin

    flyingpenguin Member

    aaaand course atlas is gone. Still,got 350, and that batch alone set a day earning record for me. wooooo!
  7. gogoboots

    gogoboots User

    lol woah... 700 just poof. Probably all sitting in one person's cue right now..
  8. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    course atlas done :( Made a killing tho, i hope everyone else did well too!
  9. Wow, you did them fast.
  10. NYturker

    NYturker User

    Only got about 250 course atlas. Was hoping to hit atleast 500.
  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    ogawd. no more course atlas, no more rubins... welp, $26 in 3 hours on xmas eve is a nice surprise...
  12. I didn't get any totally different or changed. I got a handful of equivalents and mostly sames.
  13. smorganie

    smorganie User

    Matt Rubins gone... Course Atlas gone...

    What do I do with my life now..
  14. jeli0babi

    jeli0babi User

    Got about 270 in ):
  15. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    really? I thought I moved slow.
  16. leelu

    leelu User

    DANG! I was shooting for 500, I ended up with 350. By far the most I have ever done on a batch with a requester that I have never worked with before.
  17. Why all the sad faces? Lighten up, I'm glad there was a well paying batch HIT that was fun for a change...
  18. davis0298

    davis0298 User

    Waking up to a bunch of Rubins was a great start to the day. Did anyone else tend to get a bunch of courses not available in the .20 batch? I know I had about 15 that were not available at the school. I had one school that didn't even offer computer science or any type of engineering courses.
  19. marilynk

    marilynk User

    I hate coming on here to find out I just missed a big batch. :(
  20. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    I was hoping for 1000 because my oldest son's birthday is Wednesday and I know he will lighten my pockets heavily lol
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