Can't Find Good HITs? 12/23

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by dottommytm, Dec 23, 2012.

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    RAMANDA1 User

    Oh no I didn't mean that Don, sorry if it came out that way. Just thought it is kinda wrong.
  2. dextux

    dextux User

    These Rubins just aren't the same. And why are they only 20 cents now? Hardly worth the time.
  3. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    Morning all. Went to sleep doing Rubins, waking up doing Rubins :)
  4. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    lots of two-year and/or vocational schools. very few traditional universities with broad curricula.
  5. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Anybody working on anything other than Rubins?
  6. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    It's the bottom of the barrel of Rubins. I'm gonna start looking for something else
  7. Title: 7 Minute Psychology Study
    Requester: Eva UM [A3A6XXFNT7I8F7] (TO)
    Description: In this study you will watch a video and ask questions about your communication behavior
    Reward: $0.30
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 99, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  8. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    If it was david mease, there's always a link in the email for another hit. That's why he sends the bonuses, so that he can contact the people who's worked with him before.
  9. paulstead

    paulstead User

    If anyone's good at understanding accents, there's a load of SpeechInk Home Inspection transcription HITs up. I have a hard time understanding their accents or whatever random British words they're using.
  10. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    they require you have a bachelors degree or equivalent, does turking for hours a day for the last year count?
  11. sampo24

    sampo24 User

  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    omg i'm praying for this rubin batch to end and every time the # gets down to 200 and i submit a hit, it goes back up to 230...
  13. lol..Same never goes away, I'm so tired...but it looks like its getting down to fictitious classes only
  14. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    ha, it's been mainly fictitious classes since these batches were dropped at 2am...

  15. Yeah, out of some 900 courses I only found 56 that were an exact match w/ info on the 2012 or 2013 session

    But...I was also partying at the Xmas Partay...kinda
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
  16. Why do I keep watching Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?

  17. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    Y'all are still up doing those rubins? I did a few and then was knocked out. I couldn't hang with the big dogs lol!!!!
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i took a nap for an hour and a half, felt like crap but wanted to get more in, now coffee is waking me up just in time for the second batch to end. blargh. the things i do for dat bling...
  19. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    so, if i am looking for a class, "Physical Chemistry 1" and i find in the course catalog, "general chemistry 1" would that be the same thing?
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