Can't Find Good HITs? 12/23

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by dottommytm, Dec 23, 2012.

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  1. paulstead

    paulstead User

    School Name: Fashion Institute of Technology

    Course Info: Linear Algebra

    Should I even type anything in the comments or just put "LOL" in every block?
  2. BeerMe

    BeerMe User

    I really wish rubin would have some kind of order to these. Before the batches would be from 6-8 schools, Now I swear I have 40 different tabs opened up and barely used any of them more than once or twice
  3. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Maybe he's trying to keep us busy bouncing around to different school until the next batch gets posted?
  4. i stop doing their hits all together because of these damn things. i'd get 1 or 2 hits in and then server error
  5. OHHH noooO!!!1!!! I'm gonna get rejected! ahhhhhhh!!1111 :)
  6. beanman25

    beanman25 User

  7. 24fonz

    24fonz User

    I agree. I used to be able to pick about 5 school and just look for those. These seem pretty random. Not complaining though. Rubin days are some of my best.
  8. aphotic

    aphotic User

    I had that same exact one and thought pretty much the same thing, hehe.
  9. i've only had to put something along those lines once. if u've done that a hundred times then ur not searching hard enough/looking for the exact course name. i don't want to sound harsh but this is probably the reason these dropped to $.20
  10. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    I did one of the diet pill rewrites the other day. I must admit, though, it was a fine piece of writing. The writer must have taken a writing class somewhere wonderful, like the famed SchoolCraft College. It was so masterfully written, I felt guilty altering that piece of art!
  11. from matt rubins history, u probably wont... we'll just get paid less down the road
  12. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    I know this is kind of topic but I remember hearing linear algebra and thinking hey that cant be that bad I can do algebra. and after seeing it what it was it looked like a foreign langue.
  13. BeerMe

    BeerMe User

    These little schools are much more likely not to offer some of these courses. But I agree 100 is far too many
  14. Hey now it's possible if they're learning how to sew
  15. I just click on the link, and copy from the address bar. You will have to remove the http:// though. I've done several that way, and they all approved.
  16. come on is not that bad...this coming from an engineer...ive known women acing these pun intended...but most women cant even handle regular algebra)
  17. aphotic

    aphotic User

    Is a computer sci course Discrete Structures the same as Discrete Mathematics? I'm leaning to no, but I'm not that familiar with Discrete Math.
  18. Guyyyssss, I wasn't being literal, geeze louise!
  19. I am the Oscar Wilde of BioSculpt rewrites, but on a more angry note...YOU CAN SAY THAT A COURSE ISN'T OFFERED?!?!

    Damn it all to hades.
  20. beanman25

    beanman25 User

    Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. Didn't want to get a rejection from such a simple task.
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