Can't Find Good HITs? 12/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
  2. NYturker

    NYturker User

    Nice! Took about 10 minutes
  3. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned


    I hate when surveys start with demographic information, gives me nothing to look forward to!
  4. hottovix

    hottovix User

    girlfriend just lost her grandmother, need something to take my mind off of all this
  5. I'm sorry to hear about your/her loss. I hope things get better for you guys soon.
  6. Sorry if it's a repost but this was easy for 5 min

    Short Survey
    Requester: PBJ Lab
    Reward: $0.75 per HIT

    Had to take a break from transcribing, miss the batches
  7. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Sorry to hear about the loss :( ...maybe this can help cheer you up :)

  8. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    This one was fun!
  9. prothis

    prothis User

    I'm getting a weird problem where the survey is loading in the HIT window and I can't submit my code, this is happening on my phone, too.

    Edit: nevermind, I either got the code in before it redirected or it fixed itself.
  10. Hurricane9

    Hurricane9 Member

    Was this one of those fake two-person surveys? They never gave a debriefing at the end.

    When the survey loads, click on the survey area and then hit the back button on your mouse or the backspace. That took me back to the code enter page.
  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  12. rjsv58

    rjsv58 User

  13. 7/day-weeker checking in, but it's been less than a month so I don't think it really counts yet.
  14. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    hope this isn't breaking any HIT content rules but seriously...

    "Because we have not yet developed the technology to have a real chat room, you and your partner will need to go through a "structured" conversation."

    i almost spit a mouthful of soda at the monitor i couldn't stop laughing...
  15. Gilly

    Gilly User

    Hi everyone! Just got home from work looking to get a turkin in now. Anyone working on anything good?
  16. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    It's been a survey kinda day. Not batches to speak of...
  17. sikk66

    sikk66 User

    *high five
    I've been turking now for almost 2 months. Haven't taken a single day off yet. Don't intend to. I'll be on here Xmas day trying to make money. haha
  18. Matte

    Matte Member

    Finally hit 1k approved! Not sure where to go from here but I'm definitely happy!
  19. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Yeah I'm on at least a little a day. If there's something good that I can sit and make money at, I will, even when I'm not planning on working for the day. If there's not much like today, I'll just relax on the weekend :)
  20. Hurricane9

    Hurricane9 Member

    Amazon just send me $10 in promotional credit because a game that I apparently purchased dropped in price $10 after I bought it. Thing is, I never bought the game, I just had it in my cart and went to the checkout.

    Oh well, that's $10 less that I need to earn through Mturk for all these holiday sales ;)
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