Can't Find Good HIT's? 12/2

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by rek0nize, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. ginny71

    ginny71 User

    mine either.
  2. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    Anyone else working on MAtt rubins?
  3. Just got two rejects from Tim Jurka hits (Classify Sentences: Sentiment Expressed in a Political Statement).. Reason being: Did not follow instructions. Supposed to mark sentiment with respect to the opposing party, not overall sentiment

    Which I was doing, so I don't really understand his point.. Ugh and I have like 5 more pending :/ good thing I only did a test batch on this one! I don't understand what I could of possibly done wrong, going to e-mail requester now..
  4. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    Sorry to hear. You scared me into looking at the 5 I did. All approved, whew...
  5. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    yup, i've got 14 course catalogs open here...
  6. Nomad

    Nomad User

    Scared me too! I did 22, but all approved, pending payment. Whew!
  7. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Sometimes it's not obvious what speaker the party is in, or who the president is or what party they are in. They did a bad job of giving you enough information to make sure you knew who was who.

    (That said, my 50 or so all approved)
  8. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    Thanks for that $3 hit. Saved my Sunday. Took me a little over an hour but i'm watching the Steelers and I ate dinner while doing it. I'm right at $10.00 for the day so that is good enough for me.
  9. Nomad

    Nomad User

    For those working on Exsom t-shirt hits, I sent requester an email and got clarification on what to do if the URL goes to the page for a specific shirt, but the shirt is unavailable. Here is the response:

    First, for a URL to be valid, it has to land on a specific shirt. That isn't to say a url won't have a specific shirt and links to others, but you should be looking at a shirt that has details for that specific shirt (hopefully that makes sense).

    If the shirt is no longer available, but the URL lands on a specific shirt, please update description (if available), price (if still listed), and just set the isValid to yes. Shirts out of stock are still valid shirts.

    If the product has been discontinued entirely, but the URL lands on a specific shirt, follow the above but place (DISCONTINUED) in the description.
  10. blackpup

    blackpup User

    those appbuilder ones approved already
  11. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    My god do these matt rubin hits bring back memories
  12. ginny71

    ginny71 User

    Thanks for posting this. For the Amazon ones that say not available and we don't know when there will be more, which of the requester's responses would apply do you think? I guess just cust and paste that while selecting yes. I would love to do a bunch of these, but his lack of TO makes me nervous.
  13. PapaWolfie

    PapaWolfie User

    YES! Thanks to the Appbuilder ones, I can finally do Rubins!

    Any tips before I get started?
  14. SupaDupa

    SupaDupa User

  15. Nomad

    Nomad User

    True no TO, however, I think it's somewhat positive that he responded to my emails in less than 10 minutes. He sent me questions and answers from some other Turkers and asked me to post them.

    If price is unchanged, you can leave the price field blank. It would make my life easier to fill it were filled in, but if the URL is valid I will assume price is unchanged.

    What if a shirt has multiple prices?

    If the prices matches for any particular size, leave it the same.

    meaning, if a shirt is 9.99 for a small-large, and 11.000 for XL.. and I have the price as 9.99, then leave the price the same.

    Conversely, if I have the price as 9.99, and the price has risen for all (like 10.00 for small-large and 12 for XL), then just pick the smallest price.
  16. twillight

    twillight User

    I dont know if I have been doing this right..I hate when there is a new requester and everything is not clear..I'm about to email her as well because I would hate to get 4 rejections..I would love to work on this batch
  17. Nomad

    Nomad User

    If you have questions that haven't been answered in what I posted from his emails, just email him, then post the question and response here. Tell him you will share info on mTurk forum. He responded in less than 10 minutes to me. Hope this helps.
  18. ginny71

    ginny71 User

    This is so cool that they are sending you these other answers. I had these same questions. This requester should get props for communication for sure and that makes me less nervous. I just would feel so much better is they would approve just one right away, lol. I like these! Thanks again for your additional post.
  19. DustinOber

    DustinOber User

    yep, yep, yep
  20. 24fonz

    24fonz User

    I was but I had to take a break. Great HIT's but I was going crazy.
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