Can't Find Good HITs? 11/3

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by scrapfaerie, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. It looks like we have about an hour and 10 minutes. I'm actually planning on going to bed before that. Haha
  2. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    So, we're all getting sent to bed early. we can get up early for Set Master ;-)
  3. Maves230

    Maves230 Member

    It is currently 11:21PM PDT at the moment. It won't switch over to PST until 2AM, so we're looking at about another solid hour of turking!
  4. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i'm on EST, i'm assuming that means 3:30am here after it switches, which it already did...
  5. saladpope

    saladpope User

    12:30am pacific standard time
  6. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    I'm gonna be so hesitant to get on mturk tomorrow. I'm going to possibly wake up to rejects :( I emailed them so maybe that will help :D or maybe not lol

    Goodnight everyone ;D
  7. Since EST already switched, it'll be 2:30am here (I'm in EST too). 12:30am PST is in an hour and 5 minutes.
  8. the-mp

    the-mp User

    i'm not, night worker :( feel my contempt, nightsleepers!
  9. Royzabimaru

    Royzabimaru Active Member

    I might be overlooking something, but does it say somewhere how long it will be down?
  10. luisantunes8500

    luisantunes8500 Active Member

  11. the-mp

    the-mp User

    nope -----
  12. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    Uh oh, I have wolves, bears, owls and other shit pending. Sasquatch, how many of these Matchett hits are you doing? I can't stop myself from accepting them but now I'm worried I'll get timed out and not be able to submit.....
  13. Sas might be gone for the night, looks like he's not online
  14. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    Ah, no worries. I'm starting to doubt my sanity, which probably means I shouldn't be doing writing hits. I'll turk for 10 minutes and then call it a day. Good Sat though, thanks for the links. Good luck to the late night crowd, see you guys tomorrow!
  15. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i'm here, was just coming up with extra creative answers for a rather open-ended survey.

    Bob is packing his clothes for his vacation. If everything goes as planned, what do you think will happen if the unexpected occurs?

    Bob's plane is hijacked. The pilot loses control, and the plane crash lands in Antarctica. Bob is the only survivor. He communes with the penguins, learning their language, and is eventually accepted into their society.

    yeah, about two dozen of those. the rejection will be worth it...

    to answer your question, caraw, i've done 5 today, two diet pills, mlb playoffs, koala facts, and famous horses... i wanted to do fighting alligators but it's gone, so i probably won't grab any more until tomorrow since mturk is offline in half an hour...
  16. cci83

    cci83 User

    Site down for maintenence? Are people stil able to accept and submit hits?
  17. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    Sounds like a crazy survey!! I've done ten of those darn things, I just can't stop myself. I just submitted my bear one, had to return the owls since mturk is going on vacation. G'night everyone!
  18. Alright, I think it's past my bedtime. Good night, everyone!
  19. the-mp

    the-mp User

    *happy daylight standard time, central time zone*
  20. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    my projected earnings just flipped to tomorrow... this script is apparently not aware of our clock thingies...

    also, ron de frates just contacted me about the hit which wouldn't submit in mturk, i think about the rental service, he's trying to figure out with amazon how to pay it, so that's a plus for him, if you let him know it was broken, it sounds like he's trying to work it out...
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