Can't find good HITs? 11/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by anne53, Nov 24, 2012.

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  1. soyb7

    soyb7 User

    Apparently I do.
  2. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

  3. Do you know how you got it?
    Or what the qual is to get it?
  4. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

    product randr have done many mass rejects in the past
    revoking qualifications
    blocking workers

    leading workers on accepting thousands of hits then suddenly mass rejections

    they have stated they are turning over a new leaf, but I dont trust them and will never work for them again unless they are paying 20 an hour
  5. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    Yeah, his TO isn't so hot. Lots of reviews for rejections and people being blocked. To be fair, there are people there also who did lots of hits and were all approved.

    I don't see how you can be rejected on the penny hits though, unless you just blaze through them without looking and submitting one every 5 seconds.
  6. Thanks for the heads up!
  7. iceblink

    iceblink User

  8. mtzpgran

    mtzpgran User

  9. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    Any good batches?
  10. This is a life-saver. Thank you so much Phase. I never knew that annoying tracking url could be removed. I'm learning something everyday while I'm here in this forum. Thanks to all here. :grouphug:
  11. gadfire

    gadfire User

    He has never rejected me and I have done his hits for the last few weeks
  12. vikvaughn

    vikvaughn User

    So google is acting kind've weird, or I'm an idiot. (possibly both). I just tried to do a CS hit where you rank the url based on location. But when I'm searching on google, I can't find the dropdown to change the location I'm searching from and put in the zipcode. I've clicked all over and can't seem to find it. Any ideas?
  13. russ43015

    russ43015 User

    Same with me earlier today. Sent an email, but no reply yet.
  14. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

  15. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    "search tools" under the search bar
  16. You have to type post office in search box then on left it will appear a location to enter. It's in the instructions.
  17. Blazed

    Blazed User

  18. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Im half way threw a goldsmith and it sucks. You all whore love him Im not sure why. As a none smoker who hates any thing to do with smoking this is killing me. Plus the paper Im rewriting is the same basic paragraph over and over.
  19. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Title: Short Consumer Behavior Survey 4 (no past workers)
    Requester: S.Dali [A1RJA9IHNKPDGF] (TO)
    Description: Simple academic questionnaire regarding consumer response towards company actions
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 90, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
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