Can't Find Good Hit's? 11/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by rek0nize, Nov 22, 2012.


Turking or Turkey on Thanksgiving?

  1. Turking

    45 vote(s)
  2. Turkey

    30 vote(s)
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  1. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Gosh, I'd be happy if I could reach 500 (on 311 now..189 to go..passing out..). How did you do so many? I would go until I got stopped by a captcha, then I'd take a break.
  2. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    Ate too much. Now time to sit on my butt and turk.
  3. mercenar1e

    mercenar1e User

    if only i knew about hubpages sooner.. did at least 30 of them and they paid on top of bonuses
  4. rricplay

    rricplay User

    am i the only one who thinks there are some crappy hits tonight?
  5. mercenar1e

    mercenar1e User

    your not the only one.. but i managed to $14 today
  6. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    hubpages are back up
  7. rricplay

    rricplay User

    i totally failed the hubpages going to go bury myself now.
  8. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    well I did 500 early morning before sleep, then did like 400 when I woke up, and now just doing blocks of 100 in between football and such. up to 1300 now, I was hoping for 2000 by midnight..
  9. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I know. I just sit and wait for it.
  10. leftfield

    leftfield User

    Me too....pass the shovel when you're done.
  11. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    You has it
  12. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    I have to go to bed, I have to make a lot of donuts tomorrow to feed those revved up black Friday shoppers
  13. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    I remember the days when that was possible. When you get north of 180 eighty thousand hits, it seems to take for ever just to move up .01 of a percent.
  14. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Just made my first 2 Christmas purchases...Lego Lord of the Rings was $29! yesssss
  15. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    Anyone else having issues loading the end of the hub pages hits?
  16. rricplay

    rricplay User

    no good HITs tonight
  17. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    I'm doing the shouting hits. Takes about 1 1/2 minutes per .06. Around $2.25 an hour, but that's about all I can hope for right now
  18. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    For $0.20 - it took under a minute -

    Participate in a 1min short study
    Requester: John Cameron
  19. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    That's how I feel after doing verbatim transcriptions for speechink!

    He said that he's going to process some after 11 am EST tomorrow and that they will be fixed.
  20. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    FYI for all the new people 99% of the time turk alert sucks badly. Ive used it for over the last year and most of the time it dose not alert me of anything.
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